Worst expansion ever !!!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Chickenbone, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. Wuddane Elder

    I heard you always finish before you get around to it *snicker*
  2. Geri_Petrovna Augur

    Left click, hold, drag to a hotbar, drop. Problem solved.
    Mintalie likes this.
  3. segap Augur

    I already have enough hot bars... Waiting to zone every two minutes doing that quest was actually the painful part. Neat idea, but not practical with the technology. Would have been better had they made mirrored sides within the same zone and the mirror teleported you between them

    Anyhow, this really should have been a progression AA so we would not be stuck with an item in a bag.
    Geri_Petrovna likes this.
  4. Geri_Petrovna Augur

    Agree with making it an AA, like the port to demiplane of blood was (closest thing i can compare it to)
  5. Mintalie Augur

  6. Whulfgar Augur

    Clearly people do not remember Gates of Discord being thee absolute WORST released expansion ever. It was so broken, that they "forgot" to put the lvl increase in (that was slotted for Gates of discord) until Omans of War came out (the following expansion)

    So those of you who think Luclin, was broken .. clearly do not remember GoD launch at all .. And thus, do not remember what broken really means ..
    Viper1 likes this.
  7. Overboard New Member

    I have played EQ a long while, and don't recall which expansions were the worst. I do try to recall, mainly, the group content that was made available, the progression options, the gear, augs, and for the last 2 expansions, the chase loot, tradeskills, and the economy. I have raided, and that is also important, but I'm about this PoS expac due to the amount of group content.

    The economy seems to be eliminated. The chase loot from CoTf and TDS at least offered a rare item that a person could work for at a group level, and then use it for plat, trade, or getting an upgrade. Or, tradeskill to make new items, and allow the group content players to find items to sell or use to make valuable $$$$ in-game coin or new items. Again, all of this was related to having an EQ economy.

    With this latest piece of crap expac, it seems they have intentionally eliminated long-time ( and that would be most of the people still playing this game ) any capacity to make coin, and they have eliminated the value of chase loot because the group visible and non-visible armor is for the most part, from what I've seen, better then any cotf / tds chase loot or cotf / tds group gear.

    Couple this with no tradeskill items, it just seems like DB in their idiotic planning don't want veteran players to be able to buy in-game kronos to support their EQ game time. By eliminating all $$$ producing items, then the old-timers have no ability to generate in game value and have to pay monthly subscriptions. $$$ items do not fall under those heroic stat augs.... thats just filler.

    This is only one problem with this piece of expansion, I could go on about the absolute lack of group content, calling this less-then-a-campaign an expansion and charging for it, fun-factor, itemization, but it would fall on deaf ears.

    Again, chase loot gave the average player a shot at something that helped maintain the interest in killing random-mob-#-52000, but DB seemed to forget the point of a game, and especially paying for it, is for fun factor.

    Now, all previous gear it worthless, the existing content is tapped out in 3 weeks, there is nothing in the economy.

    This expac s**** donkey d***.

    Cheers !
    Hiladdar, Ickles and Mayfaire like this.
  8. Bandien Elder

    [quote="Whulfgar, post: 3369171, member: 1825" It was so broken, that they "forgot" to put the lvl increase in (that was slotted for Gates of discord) until Omans of War came out (the following expansion)[/quote]

    My guess... with the "power" upgrades and a lot of the group gear flagged for level 110, they planned a level increase for this expansion originally (probably even before it was DBG). With lack of support, they tried to take the items that were already in the process of being created and adjusted them to fit without increasing the level. All the lay-offs and developers switching to creating stuff they hadn't previously has generated a cluster-funk we are calling this expansion release.

    I'm not saying one expansion is worse than the other. I just find it odd that gear was flagged for level 110 this expansion, and it fit with your description of GoD's forgotten level increase.
  9. Herf Augur

    Well what did you expect? After all it is called The BROKEN Mirror :D
  10. Natal Augur

    GoD wasn't broken, it was challenging content after the brain dead dumbing down that preceeded it. People forgot how to play, that is why they had so many problems in it. What most people forget is that the rewards for group play in GoD were comparable to what raiders of the time were wearing, so of course it was not going to be the "show up and get free loot" that LDoN was. You had to be thinking about what you were doing, and use actual strategy.

    GoD was the high point of EQ IMO. It was like doing raids but in a group setting. EQ has never reached those heights since.

    LDoN broke the game, and wrecked what before had been a vibrant game.
    Imrahil and Gadakk like this.
  11. Zehn Lorekeeper

    LOL ... You're funny. Nothing but your own actions keep you here. If you are that unhappy, there are options. Really you have them.
  12. Ickles New Member

    He made a bunch of good points but you're right "LOL JUST QUIT"
  13. Tyraxor Augur

    Why are you judging him, he can have friends in the game i.e. just like you.
  14. Viper1 Augur

    You're right, GoD wasn't broke in terms of bugs or incompleteness, other than perhaps leaving out the intended level increase, but it was easily the worst in terms of the lore and art style. And don't even get me started on zone/mob names.

    Gates was a big departure from the high fantasy lore that EQ was known for at the time. That is the point that I feel they just flat ran out of good ideas for expansions and rather than getting back to their roots, they felt they needed to go in a totally different direction.

    Eventually they got back to their roots, but then they did aliens..... I mean alarans. WTF? Aliens don't belong in EQ (nor do they belong in Indiana Jones, but I digress).

    LDON was only cool for the novelty of creating on-demand content. The idea that group content must be reduced to a laborious grind (ie running the same instance over and over) easily undid any positives they had with their content on-demand technology. That and limiting raids to 54 players hurt many raiding communities.

    The high point of EQ is easily Velious. Low point I'd have to say gates/omens.
  15. Zehn Lorekeeper

    As you just did yourself, assuming I would continue paying to play a GAME just because I have friends here.
  16. Natal Augur

    GoD was the first systematic application of scripts in raids, so that was the point that everything really changed for raiding. The high point for raid participation was PoP, but then there was a big flat period of nothing new during LDoN during which there was a massive reduction in the raiding population. 54 man raids were necessary for GoD because numbers had been hammered so badly by LDoN. Even with the 54 man limit, most guilds struggled to fill raids at that point. Many guilds died because it was challenging content, but their rosters had been thinned out so drastically by LDoN that they couldn't make serious attempts, and it has been a problem ever since. It would have been better if the cap had been even lower than that. Certainly the original raid cap would have killed the raid game stone dead by the time OoW came out if it had not been reduced to 54.
  17. Viper1 Augur

    I mistyped in my last post, LDON raids were 36 player limits. My guild refused to do them because we refused to tell half the guild they cant raid tonight (and making 2 raids would have given us class distribution problems). It was a huge mistake to limit raid sizes to 36. Imo, they never should have dicked around with raid size limits, period, but what's done is done. My guild started declining during PoP, well before LDoN because off the constant need to back flag people. If we weren't farming potime, people just wouldn't log in.
    Hiladdar likes this.
  18. Whulfgar Augur

    Fact of the matter the Dev's themselves flat out admitted Gates of Discord WAS broken on various aspects from raid encounters not being tuned properly, to lvl increase of 5 levels not being put in to only warriors being able to tank anything (yes even in grp content you can verify what I am saying by going back to those forum threads an rereading them all)
    Hiladdar likes this.
  19. Faana Augur

    OK Specifically, content that cannot be done without a full raid-geared group. For example, being overrun by 8 mobs which hit for 11K and are unrootable, unmezzable and unstunnable. What were you thinking????
    Hiladdar likes this.
  20. Tyraxor Augur

    So there are ppl who think GoD was worse than TBM (or equally bad).
    I wonder if you can keep a straight face when looking into the mirror @tm.
    Geri_Petrovna likes this.