Wizards and the familiar-key ring

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Jumbur, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Since Luclin, we wizards have been blessed with some pretty nice AA-familiars.

    Is there any way to get those AA-familiars as "stat-familiars" in the key ring?

    If not, I have the following suggestion:
    Make the stats from the AA-familiar a passive toggle-able un-dispellable-buff with unlimited duration, that stays through death (a bit like the item-AAs), that isn't tied to whatever familliar with have up at the time, and remove the stat from the familiars themselves(reducing them to a graphic effect).
    In short: Make the wizard familiars independent from the stat-buffs, and make other (non-wizard)-familiar-buffs stack with it.

    That would allow us wizards one of the other familiar buffs from the various different familiars in EQ on top of the usual wizard-familiar-stat-buffs.

    Right now, no wizard would ever use any other familiar than one of the AA-familiars, reducing the nice keyring-feature to a permanent "always-off" button with storage for familiars we NEVER use.

    The current AA-familiars themselves are a mana-free instant cast with a 12 hour duration. making it a permanent toggle would not be an upgrade in itself(merely a convenience).

    The upgrade would be the stat-upgrade we get from whatever other familiar we would choose as a real stat familiar instead.
    It would make familiar hunting worthwhile for us wizards! :D