Wizard solo/molo?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Paravar, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Paravar Journeyman

    Hi all,

    Returned to the game recently and chose a Wiz to solo/molo due to my play schedule. Have made it to 61 and am enjoying myself. Have talked to several ppl in game (some wiz some not) and the consensus has been that i'm setting myself up for alot of suffering. That wiz's have alot of trouble at the later rounds with the solo game and that they are primarily a group class. I know some will say just play the class you like, but, i would hate to invest alot of time and effort in a class just to find myself banging my head on the keyboard.

    Any and all advice appreciated!
  2. Brohg Augur

    Wiz solo totally fine if you just want exp. Well, even, since their personal dps is quite high and no mercenary is needed - if you just want exp. Eventually, I hope you see I'm suggesting, you won't want just exp, and then you'll want a partner or group :)
  3. Kathylynn_Unity Augur

    I would make the argument that a wizard is about the strongest solo class even at end game.

    You won't find very many that are familiar with the class soloing anymore so it can be hard to learn the best strategies. It does take a bit more skill to do things like solo/molo named compared to perhaps a mage or necro, but it is entirely possible once you put in the work. So there is suffering likely, but at the same time there is light on the other side of it too if you are dedicated.

    As far as raw experience gains I'll bet my money on a wizard any day.
  4. code-zero Augur

    What are state of the art Wizard soloing tactics? What AA's are essential? What spells for different level ranges to keep killing constantly?
  5. onyuyan Augur

    For experience they beat mages hands down IMO.
  6. Hungry Dark Journeyman

    I'm also rather curious about this. I'm 88, and I do okay, but the best I've got at this point is snare/root soloing farmers in Valley of Lunanyn for about 1% level xp or most of an AA point each. I have all the AAs from auto-grant (which, on further reflection, I wish I'd waited on), but they still take me a good 3-4 minutes each.
  7. onyuyan Augur

    Well I'm not an expert in wizard soloing by any means, but my guess is it's better XP wise to find lower con mobs that you can kill quickly (I don't recall what good non-summoning zones there are at that level). Personally I like Fort Mech (should be mostly LB at your level), but I don't recall if they summon.

    I'm sure a wizard main can point you to a better spot, but generally (for all classes), it's better to kill a lot of lower con mobs quickly than killing higher con mobs slowly.
  8. Hungry Dark Journeyman

    I tried loping plains wargs, but I get 6% of an AA point per kill with them. Isn't fort mech roughly equivalent?
  9. onyuyan Augur

    I never liked the worgs in loping plains... I actually leveled and did AAs in beza or HAs at that level, but neither of those are soloable as a wizard because of summoning mobs (It's possible there's an HA with no summoning mobs; I usually don't notice either way). A big part of the problem is that I had the large AA bonus since I didn't take the auto grant until after reaching 100 and 4000 AAs. Your best bet is Daily Quests; beyond that I'm not sure what wields good AA xp considering you have no bonus. For leveling I always like Fort Mech/Beza/Zeka, but your mileage may vary.
  10. Hungry Dark Journeyman

    I noticed some mobs in various Meldrath-side zones seem to proc things and resist a bit. The worgs are numerous, close together, don't resist much and don't seem to proc anything.

    On the other hand, they also have lousy drops. I notice Meldrath mechs drop a lot of stuff. Good for the purse. I'm looking for better, though... better xp than mid-lightblue SoF cons, faster kills than VoA mobs, and a decent area to kite in.

    Also, what is the trick to killing named? Let the merc heal-tank while you silent-casting nuke them down?
  11. CrazyLarth Augur

    wizs used to kite solo for the best exp Druid or necro have good list info of where to kite at.
    I love this site lists level 1- to 100 for ideas where to go.

    best exp in the game is the daily tasks in pok -get kill quest and kill 5 mobs for reward.
    even at level 100 the two 90 lvl tasks are the best in the game. you might have to solo them at the lower levels.
    P.S. I think it is better to find a 2nd toon and with two mains and two mercs grouping for exp is better exp then kiting.
  12. AlwaysQuest New Member

    Yes wiz is faster single target kite than necro/druid, way faster killing. But necro can kite more mobs at once and should do so.