[Wizard] How many ranks of CA/CS do you have?

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Saphfyre, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Saphfyre Elder


    I am currently farming AAs on my 74 Wizard and I have never put a single point into Combat Agility and Combat Stability. So I was wondering how many ranks of CA/CS do other wizards run with?

    P.S. I like to AE a lot, so that is why I am considering investing in some ranks.
  2. CrazyLarth Augur

  3. Xikteny Augur

    All of them. I realize that's not that useful an answer to you, so: I believe I bought CA/CS up to the point they began to get 'expensive' (choose your own definition of expensive), then stopped working on them for some time, returning to max them out after I had maxed other, more wizardly, AA lines.
  4. Mithrandyr Augur

    Best bang for your buck is the first 8 ranks. After that, the cap increase is 1%. I think its 10% total for the first 3 ranks and 2% for the next 5. On my casters, I have CS8 and CA max. If you're AEing a lot, you might consider going a lot farther on CS and getting a good AC shield with the best AC aug you can fit in it. It will help a little.
  5. Xikteny Augur

    Heads-up: the Staff Block line of AAs makes 2HBs superior to shields for defensive purposes, apparently.
  6. Mithrandyr Augur

    It does but not at 74. I think the first rank is 91.
  7. Gragas Augur

    All of them, cause max aa.
  8. Necromonious Augur

    On my casters I have CA 13ish (going off memory) and CS 12ish. They have maxed AA for hp, I think they sit around 50k ish health but honestly idhave to check in game. They have shield block rank 6ish

    With all of this, a level 95 VOA mob from Beasts Domain hitting them for ~6.5k a swing will kill them in 4-8ish seconds in melee range through the reactive heals of a lev 95 j5 cleric merc. I have not tried any harder mobs but hear ROF hits for about 10k and up....

    So yea, unless you want to have to sit on the edge of your seat, hyper-vigilant about aggro, u definitely need these ranks or u will die every time u get aggro at end game :/
  9. postid Journeyman

    Delay death ... You can delay it but you cant avoid it
  10. Saphfyre Elder

    Thanks all for your replies. I guess I should just bite the bullet and max CA/CS at every level.
  11. Vlerg Augur

    You are a glass cannon, you will remain a glass cannon. there's 2 way to go about it:

    1: spend thousand of AA in defensive stuff in the vague hope to maybe survive an additional round when something hit you.

    2: don't get hit.

    ( 3: you are 100 and max AA).

    I lvl'd to 100 without any rank in CA-CS-shield block or wathever... actually bought my tradeskill AA before bothering with CA-CS. ''not getting hit'' while kiting worked alot better. never once felt like my lack of CA-CS made any difference... but then, I lvl'd by beaming mob 10 by 10 in valley-CoB-east waste.... if I got hit by that pull i was dead no matter how many rank of CA-CS I had. ( on the lower level, loping plain- fort mech- toskirrak work very well to kite in).

    the AA, netherstep, saved me alot more often when snare would be resisted - unexpected add- other stuff.

    and also, 2HB block >>>>> shield block.
  12. Mithrandyr Augur

    Atol's Unresistable Shackles. Well worth the AAs spent.
  13. Camou the Persistent Augur

    maxed standard AAs, all of them there for.

    And in the end, when you have all of them it isnt even worth thinking about this question here. More of interest would be, if there are AAs existing that should be done BEFORE you max CA/CS :) But im no wizard.
  14. Damascus Elder

    I stopped at 20 levels of CS/CA.
  15. CrazyLarth Augur

    some times on questions like this I go look at magelos of other wiz's around where I am in the AA count and see where they placed their AA's.
  16. Dandin Augur

    As a wizard. Your going to get agro. Your going to get hit.

    Max CA/CS
    Max Armour of Wisdom
    Max shield block and put your highest AC aug in your sheiks
    At 91+ max staff block and wear a 2H
    Do Everfrost LDONs and get the Icy prisim of avoidance <+8% dodge mod>
    Get the tear item in my ammo slot

    Take a look at my Enchanters Magelo.
  17. Sancho Elder

    It might not help a lot for boss mobs but it will make your life so much easier in 90% of the zones and for group content, especially if you like to mess around with older stuff. Max CS/CA vs no CS/CA is not a slight upgrade, it's a significant one.

    It sucks, but just dump your daily quest aa's into 1 rank at a time and you'll eventually be there.
  18. dalead Elder

    I ignore it for the most part. I do have a few AA's in it from when I had maxed AAs, but on my mage at nearly 8K AAs I have very little invested in CS/CA. Moral of this story, don't get hit.
  19. Gr8fuldave Augur

    18/18 is a good place to stop. Ranks 4-18 are 2% per rank, and after that it goes to 1%. I always get 18/18 on all my caster toons early. Makes a huge difference when you pull aggro and get smacked. After you max all the other stuff come back and finish the lines.
  20. Sancho Elder

    CA rank 18 = 39% avoidance, CS rank 18 = 45% mitigation.

    CA rank 50 = 71% avoidance, CS rank 48 = 75% mitigation.

    It gets way more expensive, but putting in the time will give you a distinct advantage over someone who stops early. It's the difference between fretting about getting hit and tanking 4 adds as a caster and shrugging it off in group content.