Wizard AA nuke.. Nerf Inc..

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Hellboy007, Jun 30, 2016.

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  1. Manaelil Elder

    This is a nerf. The only way that these spells would even conceivably be useful is during a 30s burn or when a wizard has no discs running. This adds a mana cost to a class already experiencing mana problems (thanks to the 35 percent mana increase on our main disc.) Some dev or some physical dps that has the ears of a dev has it out for wizards. Thats the only reason possible for this continuous never ending stream of nerfs that has been inflicted on us.

    Lets take a look at the short list of nerfs the devs have inflicted on us in the past year.

    Twincast consumes 2 FD counters (the biggest and stupidest nerf of them all)
    FD has increased mana consumption
    Mana Burn nerf
    Lowering the base dmg of the Forces.
    nerf chromatic haze
    nerf to magmatic burst (also a mage issue since this is a nerf to rain spells in general)
    Those are all I can think of off of the top of my head.

    It also makes forces unusable for any fight lasting longer than 30s unless you want to waste counters on spells with such a low base dmg. This is a big hit to wizards not only in terms of dps and mana consumption but in making the class boring and simple.
    Critts likes this.
  2. Manaelil Elder

    Oh right I forgot there was a nerf to glyph of the cataclysm. Now it works for everything except for Direct Damage spells. Thanks for all these nerfs devs. I reactivated membership 2 days ago but I'm thinking now that that may have been a mistake.
  3. Ravengloome Augur

    What nerf to Cataclysm?
    Are you referring to slot 7 being changed to 0%
    and Slot 10 added where it increases Crit dmg by 60%?

    Is that not working? (Actually a legit question I promise no troll)
    Sancus likes this.
  4. Manaelil Elder

    Slot 10: Increase Critical Nuke Damage by 60% of Base Damage
    Slot 7: Increase Critical Nuke Damage by 0% of Base Damage

    You're right. Sorry my mistake
  5. Ravengloome Augur

    Well Technically you are right, it is still a nerf (sort of?) in that it used to be 160%.

    I was just worried it wasn't working at all or something lol.
  6. Brohg Augur

    That is not a nerf. It was 160% and didn't stack. now it's 60% and does stack.
  7. Ravengloome Augur

    Yeh Thats why i said it was sort of a nerf.

    For some classes that arent getting ADPS i guess i could see it being a "nerf"
  8. Brohg Augur

    Nothing to do with ADPS. The "missing" 100% is now completely innate, full time.
    Sancus likes this.
  9. Critts Augur

    I'm guessing that the reason wizards keep getting Nurfed is because they are far to easy to play. Any and everyone can play a wizard and do pretty well damage wise so people complain about the class being over powered. The truth is people can not pick up and play a Ranger, Zerker, Necro, or Mage like they can a wizard. Add in that classes like Rouge, Zerker, etc need more ADPS where Wizards really only need an enchanter. This makes people think the class is O.P.
  10. Ravengloome Augur

    I missed that aspect of the change actually.
  11. Manaelil Elder

    Wiz used to be a more complex class. The recent changes have stripped away almost all complexity making it so that I can barely stomach playing a wizard anymore. As an example before the disastrous decision to make twincast consume 2 FD counters there were several burn stages. There was a full burn with FD (it was prolonged destruction back then) Improved Twincast which had its own spell priorities, FD without improved twincast which had another set of spell priorities, and no discs running. Obviously there were more combos than that but these days all of the discs run out at the same time. There are no longer different stages of a burn with different aspects of the disc running out at different times which results in reduced complexity which makes the class less interesting to play.

    Other than a few obscure tricks there is very little else to playing this class now. There isn't a barrier of complexity to separate the truly skilled from a casual player. To hold my interest I've been considering more complex questions like ITC and Arcane Destruction both have cooldowns of 15m. Is it appropriate to stagger them to take advantage of the Second Spire cooldown (7.5m) or is it more profitable dps wise to wait for a twincast to proc before popping AD.
    Critts likes this.
  12. Siddar Augur

    When only the best necro's can out parse the average wizard on sustained fights it put wizards in a very bad spot class balance wise.

    Really need to get those necro DoT changes done so the average necro is beating the average wizard on sustained parse again if you want to avoid more wizard nerfs.
  13. Critts Augur

    You are aware that Good Zerkers do about 200k sustained? The best Wizards that get lucky with random Twin cast Procs can peak at 190k. I have actual only seen this happen 2 times raiding every week since Febuary 2016. Also I have been out parsed on every single sustained event by a Necro even after the changes. The shear amount of damage Necros can do on a single target overtime doesn't even make since.
  14. Manaelil Elder

    I don't know what the current state of affairs is but during TDS necros were one of the only classes outparsing wizards (I've been away for 6-7 months. Only been back for a day or two).

    On my server the top parser in the top guild is a berserker that can do close to a million burst dps. My limited sense of the game's current state of affairs is that the pendulum has swung significantly in the favor of physical dps which makes me wonder why casters are still being nerfed.

    I think the clear answer to correct the imbalance is to make it so that twincast only consumes one counter and not two. I feel like that change is by far the worst that has been made.
  15. Critts Augur

    There is still a fair amount of planing that can be done with the class, only on sustained fights of course.
  16. Siddar Augur

    I haven't seen ten minute parses with berserkers doing 200k DPS but I have seen 10 minute wizard parses doing 100k. Berserkers are also kinda rare as well always have been. I doubt they measure wizard DPS against berserker DPS directly. However the complaint that wizards are out sustaining necro's wont go unnoticed. Even if it's not the case best versus best.
  17. Siddar Augur

    The change is a new bard song happened, Most think that song will eventually be nerfed but at the same time that bard dichotomic is only one of may dichotimic spells that will likely be nerfed. Very much including the berserker one that is also a large portion those berserker parses.

    When those dichotomic nerfs come expect a lot of anger to result. In fact I fully expect a huge amount of anger. I doubt they will touch those spells until next expansion at earliest and they may not do anything for next expansion ether. That means you can expect some class balancing to happen around those dichotomic spells in there un-nerfed forms.
  18. Vdidar Augur

    100k sustained over 10 min is to be honest lacking.
    Critts and Sancus like this.
  19. eqkkaybb New Member

    really? 1000 mana for what used to be no mana? the only reason these "ABILITIES" were worth anything is that that were "NO MANA COST ABILITIES" please refund all my AA spent on the force line and maybe I might go by what would probably be a level 85 spell version of each, put them on the page in the spell book that has all the rest of the spells that I used to cast. please take these spell off my AA window or restore them back to being "ABILITIES" ...
    sorry just noticed frost shackles uses mana too, has it always been that way?
  20. Manaelil Elder

    Genius dev logic. We just effectively cut the number of counters for the wizard main disc in half. Lets strangle their burns further by making forces cost mana and counters. This change is 1000x worse now that I've experienced it firsthand.
    Critts likes this.
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