Wizard AA nuke nerf coming?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Goth, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Reht The Dude abides...

    I wouldn't say it was the best, but i would agree it was easily in the top 5.
  2. Ravengloome Augur

    Ok Then, Personal favorite I suppose I shouldn't have been so fast and loose with the word Best.
    Reht likes this.
  3. Benzarden Augur

    Welp, this was an excellent discussion to dissuade Elidroth from nerfing Forces.
  4. Benzarden Augur

    That would certainly make for some happy wizards. Thank you for hearing our cries.
  5. Kathylynn_Unity Augur

    While doing that, make sure to fix Bucolic Harvest or Arcane Fusion so Fusion can not be reflected back upon the caster when harvest fires off. I can survive the 75k damage that it can do now, if it crits it will be unsurvivable.

    I have bugged this before, but it is more urgent to fix if its a death sentence, so the more reminders the better!
    Leerah and Axxius like this.
  6. IDotPeople Augur

    Was in 2 or 3 guilds that collapsed because of UF myself. I still personally loved the expansion, the raids simply were scaled a bit too high to start.
  7. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    That's a completely unrelated bug, and they already know about it.
  8. Ravengloome Augur

    I think your confusing Scaled with broken ;)
  9. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    The other AA nuke Force of Elements had the same damage values as Force of Will/Flame/Ice....surely if those 3 were incorrect Force of Elements is as well?
    Benzarden likes this.
  10. Apocalyps Elder

    I really don't understand why the forces were even nerfed. Why would they be nerfed in the first place if you are giving us 3 more ranks in the next expansion why not just give us 2 ranks and not worry about nerfing them. Every aa on that list is copy and paste of what we already have. What exactly are the devs working on? The fusion proc rate was suppose to be reduced but i never seen one mention of the damage being reduced? I guess there are bigger fish to fry out there.
    Iila likes this.
  11. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Fusion was never having it's proc rate reduced. It's already extremely low (~2.5%). Elidroth wanted to reduce the crit rate because melee cried and cried and cried about, even though their decap/assassinate/headshot is WAY superior to Fusion in almost every way. But, when Elidroth capped the crit rate of Fusion, it had the unintended side effect of capping the -crit damage- of Fusion, which effectively gutted the ability until it can be fixed.
    Leerah likes this.
  12. Axxius Augur

    How about a work-around until the bug is fixed: knowing that crit rate = crit damage = X%, set X = 61% so that it results in roughly the same dps as you intended?

    Intended crit rate: R = 0.15
    Intended crit damage: D = 2.5 (with Destructive Fury 24)
    Intended average damage from crits: R*D = 0.375
    With R = D = X = 0.61 the average damage from crits will be 0.372, i.e. close enough.

    You can do that right now, can't you?
    Ayoheee, Benzarden and Seldom like this.
  13. Leerah Augur

    5% of the population agrees.
    Heck, Sebbina can tank two yellows there, for 5 seconds.
  14. Ayoheee Augur

    I don't understand why you would leave it like it is (fixed crit mod) while you (play lip service to attempting to) fix it rather than reverting it back to the way it was pre-nerf. Of course I don't understand why it got nerfed in the first place, either.
  15. Ayoheee Augur

    Reasonable even generous request that I'm sure will be ignored.
  16. Brohg Augur

    Agree, on both Fusion and Forces. One was flashy & neato, the other not flashy but good; neither, individually or taken together, were interpreted as overpowered and in need of nerfing by … anyone, as far as I can tell, before these development fiats.
  17. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Several melee went on a crusade about Arcane Fusion because under a full burn it could crit for about 450k...under a full burn and even then the proc rate was still very low.

    Headshot/Decapiate/Assassinate regularly crit for a lot higher, and FAR more frequently than Fusion ever did, but that is apparently 'A-ok no problem.' while Fusion had to be nerfed.

    The Forces nerf was a complete surprise hopwever. I think Elidroth forgot that he actually increased them by a lot on purpose after we explained how little damage they actually did (they don't get focused, and with 12/20 second recast timers the actual dps is pretty low).
  18. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    I am a bit thrown off reading through this.

    Couple people bashed Gambit and no one really batted an eyelash?

    As far as I can tell that ability is superb.

    I would rate it higher than Shield of Fate for sure.
  19. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    its bugged, you can nuke yourself with it
  20. Xikteny Augur

    Personally I do actually like Gambit. Sometimes the counters don't increment, and sometimes it causes you to nuke/DoT yourself, yet all things considered I like it.