With PoP incoming to Ragefire this month..

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dilf, May 9, 2017.

  1. Dilf Augur

    I wonder if there will be a population growth on Ragefire with the Planes of Power on its way. Although Phinigel is one of the most successful servers in existence with its ruleset, I think RF has some advantages that might be more appealing than Phinny. Some people prefer to box from 1 machine. With the Plane of Time and beyond comes instanced raiding. Faster exp rates to make alts easier to level. Expansions will be on a 3 month release cycle once PoP/LoY hits, so the turtle's pace of 6 month releases will be history.

    What do you think?
  2. AgentofChange Augur

    I think too much damage has already been done, and there are too many other options right now for players.
  3. ayoforYayoh Augur

    Pretty much what agent said.
    Ragefire is like a loved one on life support. Not wanting to pull the plug but we all know it'll never be the same.

    It's to be expected. TLP servers are still being sophisticated to our needs/wants. Even agnarr will take a hit after a GoD or pvp tlp server is introduced in a year
  4. Dilf Augur

    I can't argue that there was some serious damage done early on, but to another point, there are lots of people who have amassed some serious wealth on Phinigel or Live servers for that matter. They can take their kronos and get ~80k plat from a barter right now and hit the ground sprinting again.

    I get it that some people have too much time invested on Phinny to leave or want to go to a server forever locked at LDoN, but this could be the back breaker for LJ or even entice Live players to try out a TLP.
  5. Semah Augur

    Ragefire will start to see instanced raiding in PoP, although only at the top end. That eats away at one of the major advantages that Phinigel had in the beginning. And for those of us who want to see post-PoP, Agnarr is a non-starter.

    I think we will see a spike---the question is whether it will last. Either way, I have no interest in restarting again and again and chasing the next big server idea.
  6. Dilf Augur

    I've been thinking really hard about whether or not to stay on Phinigel, or going back to RF for progression. I like to group and solo, but when I'm forced to solo, it feels like I'm just wasting night after night running in place and not moving forward on Phinny. I'll putz around on Agnarr, but it won't be anything more than super casual.
  7. AgentofChange Augur

    There may be some rare masochists who love PoP so much they subject themselves to it again on Ragefire I guess. I can't imagine there are many. 6 months of PoP is pretty horrible. Having to redo it all immediately sounds even worse. I imagine the people who don't want to continue on Phinny would rather just redo it all on Agnarr, rather then switch to Ragefire.
    Machentoo likes this.
  8. Khaliss Augur

    you guys are underestimating how many players want a PoP-locked server & end it there... trust me, there are a whole lot of us!
    1.) players who can't dedicate the time to play this game 24/7 like me
    2.) middle-aged guys like myself who have families & full-time jobs
    3.) casuals & has-beens (like me)
    4.) diehard fans of PoP/LdoN (like me)

    if Ragefire is locked into PoP/LdoN like Agnarr, I would definitely roll here instead... multiboxing would be much easier!
  9. sifonin Augur

    So much fun to have in GoD and OOW though!
  10. AgentofChange Augur

    OP makes a thread about Ragefire, some dude makes it all about Agnarr! Who woulda guessed
  11. Khaliss Augur

    hey, my response is still about Ragefire... if only DBG locks it into PoP, I would roll here instead... I won't even go with the crowd (Agnarr)
  12. Jaime Lannister Augur

    There was a small "Spike" in Luclin. I'm sure there will be another in PoP.

    Server is the best it's been since release atm. Established guilds that more or less all cooperate. There are very few "Power Boxers" who box their own raids etc. I think only 1 or 2 are left, and they are in top end guilds so they generally have rules against interfering with lower level guild raids etc.
  13. Astley Augur

    Yeah, but those top 3... They all are a bit more temporary standing and less likely to have continued subscriptions. Which is what will be needed to keep an active and healthy population.
  14. Semah Augur

    Seriously, I find myself agreeing with Jaime so often these days. I've gotta give him a hand.
  15. Khaliss Augur

    You'd be surprised how many wanna-return-to-EQ players (ex-hardcore players 15-18 years ago) are out there just itching to go back to the nostalgic PoP glory days, play casually, & call it home.
  16. The Hated One Augur

    Do instanced raids on Ragefire and I bet you would see a serious uptick on that server. I know my friends and I would go there. Being able to schedule a raid and actually get to kill mobs = fun. Showing up to zones empty of bosses = no fun. Hence instanced time and zones forward.
  17. Lankie Augur

    My entire guild on Phinny was full of those nostalgic PoP lovers. Until you actually get to PoP. 3 weeks later you wish it was over and actually look forward to GoD.
  18. Dilf Augur

    My post has nothing to do with Agnarr. I'm fully aware that the server is going to draw a distinct crowd. The point of the post was to talk about Ragefire and with the upcoming dynamic changes to the server if it was going to see a rejuvenation in population.
  19. Dilf Augur

    That's the thing, so everything pre-Time is on a schedule between guilds to kill, but in the future, it's all instanced for guilds to do whatever and whenever for the current gear that matters.
  20. Accipiter Old Timer

    I think you'll be surprised how many won't after a few months.