Will this work 1800x ?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Holyfires, May 16, 2017.

  1. Holyfires Elder

    I am right and you are dead wrong .stop the hate .read the sig bud .
  2. Holyfires Elder

    let solve this post pics of your rig ... so we can all laugh .. motherboard and all please .
  3. Reval Augur

    I'll give you 2 weeks as a courtesy. It's a nice system and I want you to be happy.
  4. Greattoad Journeyman

    Come on guy linu7x isn't be all see all , get with the 2017's already die hard intel fan boy ..
  5. Reval Augur

    I probably know more about Ryzen than you do. I like AMD.
  6. Holyfires Elder

    reval then why make a Linux comment when you know as well as I do that Linux is not supported for boot camp at all posted on the Microsoft forums . No support what so ever . no video card support no ssd drive support no motherboard support I hope you like scripting till your eyes bleed .
  7. Greattoad Journeyman

    Hey Reval where your pics then ? if you're so into AMD as you claim then you should post pic of your current rig
  8. Greattoad Journeyman

    Btw the cash is my plat stash hehehe :)
  9. Greattoad Journeyman

    BTW cons for Linux
    1 no vedio driver support for anything above a 390x
    2 motherboard drivers are very hard to get stable
    3 limited if any SSD support
    4 No windows boot camp , if you do find driver for video they're very unstable
    5 You 5 Rocket scientist and 4 coders to even get the thing to boot not worth it all that effort
  10. Greattoad Journeyman

    OH and 5 Trolls to beat the rig up when you can't get it stable :)
  11. Greattoad Journeyman

    Now Times that by 3 and you get a Talon Zek style headache that even devs can't fix with potions
  12. Reval Augur

    Because I played a ton on Linux back in the day. I never did anything nefarious, but if I could do it all again, I would absolutely have been on Linux again. Here's an ss of me wiping out an entire group using a crappy laptop years ago.


    I was using linux, and just a few interesting things.

    1) /dev/shm is just a free ram drive that comes with the OS. Even with 3 GB of ram, I make a file that was most of the important zone files and just copied that into ram ahead of time. Zoning times were pretty impressive. At the time I was beating anyone on the server to zones with weaker hardware than probably 75% of them.

    2) This picture isn't fullscreen, but full screen was done by the OS, not by some alt enter + crash system. I told the OS to make eq full screen, and it would make the window full screen immediately. I could have 3 instances of eq running, all full screen, and when I tab to one, it just goes right to it and it's full screen. No lockups, No lag. All in all, a nice experience.

    3) multiple desktops are in windows 10, but they were in linux ages before that. Using those to box was really nice since you didn't have to alt tab through any other open applications to switch between things in eq. I hear people all the time "I just use the mouse to switch". Don't put yourself with that group man, it's obviously faster and better to do it through the keyboard. I'm just going to say that ahead of time. Linux allowed a much better experience in that regard than windows ever did. Even now with win 10, when you switch between desktops it does it all creepy. It goes really fast and then kind of slow. It feels like if you were looking through the eyes of that guy that goes "Mr. Aaaaanderson" in the matrix. Just creepy if I'm being honest. I haven't tried multiple desktops on win 10 for eq, but I bet it's not quite as good.

    4) After this I tried Gentoo, and damn. You can get the entire OS compiled SPECIFICALLY for your processor. Not so that it works on all other processors, but optimized exactly to what your processor is. That ends up making things pretty fast. I'm just saying.

    I know there are issues with linux. It's hard. You can reach a point where windows may be better. But Linux is pretty good. Plus no Cortana crap. Plus they aren't just nonstop spying on you. What happens when we get the next Vista? That's why I went to linux in the first place, Vista was so bad. Anyways, I always felt better about playing on linux vs windows. I've gone back and forth, but the only time I felt really proud of my computer was when I had a slick linux setup vs windows. I'd trade my current laptops for the experience I had with the crappy laptop I was using in the photo. It was just fun.

    Also though, boot camp is an apple thing. Did you make a hackintosh? I mean that wouldn't be on the microsoft forums.
  13. Holyfires Elder

    you need bootcamp for dx12 support and the bios support , but hey I won't know anything about that . why are you hiding from the gov. got something you don't want people to know about . DEMS and the blacktops bs come on dude they have more important things to do then spy on you watchen kiddie these days .Gentoo is designed for work stations no personal pc's but you can use it that way. Post a pic of your pc or I am going to end this because you are wasten my time on crap that's not even worth it .
  14. Reval Augur

    As a side note though, I'm really hyped about Ryzen. That processor is just getting better all the time, and the ideas behind it blow intel out of the water.
  15. Reval Augur

    Wow dude... I'll leave it at your last post man. You kind of beat yourself here. Sorry.
  16. Tucoh Augur

    I'm not sure what's going on in this thread, but nice rig. I'm sure it'll work for whatever you're doing related to EQ.

    Reval, did you ever do FPS benchmarks of EQ in linux vs windows?

    Even with how old EQ is, it's still a challenge to maintain steady 60 fps, especially if I'm 5 boxing on 4 different HD monitors. I use linux extensively for work but never considered using it for my gaming machine. I wonder if my setup of gina / gamparse / logitech / i s boxer would be compatible with it.
  17. kizant Augur

    You may want to try the Player Support forum for this question.
  18. Vizula-Emarr Elder

    Avoid the chair, its horrible i promise. Absolutely no cushion, doesnt matter if your a twig or whale, your will be numb in a few minutes!
  19. Junior00 Elder

    If you're offering cash for people to upgrade their rigs, mark me down as a prime donation target ;) Nice rig, not sure on chair but the monitors are amazing.
  20. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    Waste of money for EQ.
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