Will my PC be good enough for Aradune?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by SleezerGeezer, May 18, 2020.

  1. SleezerGeezer Elder

    I am currently playing in Bristlebane, and my PC does OK except when moving through or past players clustered together in POK in something everyone refers to as "the lag pile", but I know Aradune is going to be packed, so will my PC, which is barely adequate for Bristlebane be able to handle zones in Aradune with hundreds and hundreds of players?
  2. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    You'll be fine. If you're moving through a super crowded area and you want to reduce the lag use the command '/hidemodels all' to hide all player textures besides their held items. This reduces lag immensely in "lag pile" type areas. The toggle off is '/hidemodels all none' for some reason. Can also hide player names, reduce your clip plane if needed, etc.
  3. SleezerGeezer Elder

    Wow! Thanks for the tip.
  4. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Also suggest using original player models.
  5. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

  6. phattoni Augur

    you didnt post specs or anything, BUT, if you have no problem moving around pok(i lag and im on semi mid range newer pc), then you should have no problem on aradune, while there are a lot of people, there are pickzones, so the crowd isnt all in one area like pok, pok doesnt have pick zones so u can literally fill the zone with 10000 people.
  7. myke New Member

    In most cases its not just the computer. Its the servers themselves. I can run VR on my computer flawlessly online with no lag from my computer, but in EQ I lag in the lag pile in PoK the game is 20 years old and still not optimized. Literally run a 10g 1080ti 3.9ghz 32 gigs and I still lag in pok. You need turn off particles if you don't want to lag.
  8. Amirek New Member

    Poor performance is sometimes unavoidable with this game. My PC dips down into the single digit FPS when there are lots of players around such as in POK or the Guild Hall and I have an RTX 2080ti with a 7700k oc'd to 5GHZ. In addition to what others have suggested, you can also try turning down/off shadows, turn down the far clipping plane as well as turn off particle effects.
  9. Myrrdyn New Member