Will endurance regen ever be un-nerfed?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Raluden, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. Raluden Elder

    For you younger veterans, there was once a time when the shaman spell Acumen of Dar'Khura would act as a regen spell for endurance. About 10 years ago (man, time flies) it was nerfed to no longer regen your endurance.

    The game is very different now, and while we have OOC rest, it's not used across all zones and we have discs and AA that burn endurance down. Just ask a zerker.

    So, any chance of this nerf being undone? Or has that ship sailed?
  2. Mykaylla Augur

    That was stamina, not endurance.
    Stamina was replaced by endurance, which obsoleted Invigor and Extinguish Fatigue for a bunch of classes, Jaxan's Jig o' Vigor, and the Acumen line.
    Endurance regen or healing abilities have been asked for in spell and AA forms by multiple classes in the past few years. The answer to date has been no.
  3. Elkamino New Member

    The shaman line never regenerated endurance. It regenerated your stamina bar, which was not the same thing at all as endurance (and not to be confused with the stamina stat we still have today.) There wasn't such a thing as endurance back then--disciplines didn't use anything at all. The stamina bar was used for swimming, running (especially overweight iirc), and jumping, but not for disciplines.

    In fact, if you read the spell descriptions on the acumen line, they still refer to regenerating stamina, not endurance. Acumen was never nerfed to remove endurance regen, because it never had endurance regen to begin with. The stamina regen was removed because stamina was no longer needed or used for anything.

    It would be nice and long overdue if they removed the endurance hit from jumping though!
  4. Raluden Elder

    Ok thanks for the clarification. I shouldn't have relied on a 10 year old memory. :)
  5. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    So, we're in Kael back in the day, and we're headed to our camp and the cleric lags behind and invis wears off, so we're like "bring it." He wasn't far, and we had a strong group to deal with whatever he brought. Next thing, he's dead, and we're all like "What happened, we told you to train us." So, the gnome responds "I ran out of endurance, and couldn't make it up the stairs."

    That was one of the biggest laughs I ever had in this game.

    I still have my old endurance spells in my spell book. We're at level 100 now. When we get to level 255, I'm gonna have a cheap Complete Heal for Endurance. Shh!
    PrathunSOE likes this.
  6. Filatal Augur

    Fighting also reduced stamina, though the effect was generally small. In high dps, constant pull groups, I would use Augmentation over Swift Like the Wind for the stamina regen component back in the day. It was also super sweet until the fixed the haste bug, since Augmentation lasted longer than SLTW and was less mana.
  7. Explicit Augur

    Maybe in 10 more expansions with 40 more ranks of Heightened Endurance we'll see some decent regen. Though I wouldn't hold my breath, Rest has just about solved the endurance problem (unless you're a berserker with a hefty fade reuse)
  8. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    "PrathunSOE likes this."

    Drat! Foiled again!
  9. Gragas Augur

    It's down to 6 minutes now, so some progress has been made, now if it could be reduced to say like 2 mins and 30 secs like wizards life would be better.
  10. Thistleborn New Member

    Was looking at the yellow bar a few weeks ago, had forgotten about Invigorate and as a ranger I am almost never really running out of stamina. So I am looking at the spell feature to right-click and find that Invigorate requires level 255. Cannot understood why they had to give melee classes a mana bar since they never used it in the first place but its Sony...they changed the melee and craft system in EQII way to many times that by the time I was 37 I just uninstalled it (think they did it like twice when they did that...checked it out again years and crafting is just a push click fest to complete a single item instead of making 4 multi-stage parts).
  11. Gragas Augur

    Pure melee classes do not have mana bars, just endurance and HP's.
  12. Caudyr Augur

    No offense, but the day this happens for you and you get the same reuse on your fade that rogues have on their escape, is the day I'm gonna want to see 10-30 second reuse on rogue Escape.

    I kinda want to see that as it is, anyway...but...you get what I'm saying, I'm sure. :p
  13. Brogett Augur

    The big problem I have now with endurance is that even if I have escape up and even if rest is ready to be used, it simply won't work if we already have a disc running. With Knifeplay that's basically the majority of the time. So fitting in when to rest has become yet another thing to carefully juggle and fit into a sustained dps rotation. Tedious!

    While knifeplay itself doesn't consume endurance, all the other things I'm doing (bleed, incursion, phantom pet thingy, deceit, etc) do and that means over the lifetime of knifeplay it's possible to use up as much endurance as rest gave me back.
  14. Caudyr Augur

    It does consume endurance, it just doesn't consume more than we regen. Basically our endurance regen slows while it's active, but it doesn't disappear.
  15. Songsa Augur

    No it doesnt consume any, just the initial cost then 0 sustained.
  16. Damascus Elder

    I would sell my right middle finger for an endurance regen spell like the Clarity line that casters have, given to shamans. With EQ in my life, I don't need that finger anyway.
    Brogett likes this.
  17. Draego Augur

    Casters get Mana regeneration buffs (Clarity line, Cannibalization line, Liching line, upper end Yaulp, Spiritual "kitty crack" line)

    Melee classes (including the Hybrids) definitely need to have a Endurance/Stamina regen. As stated above the spells once existed, recreating them or recoding them would not be that difficult.

    The only reason I can see that SOE will not do this is to prevent the over farming, kill stealing, intentional training, mass chaotic petitions from people all trying to obtain the Sigil Earring of Voracity (http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=16267).

    The only option they would have to prevent these type of issues would be to reduce the spawn timer to say every 2 hours (match it to similar powered mobs like Overking Bathezid) AND NERF the <color> Silken Bridle's that drop from each of the Praesertum's.

    Yes I know this would HURT those who do not know how to obtain PP in the game any other way than overfarming these mobs, but who friggin cares.

    Anyways back to the main point YES... SOE should at least address this situation. Especially since they have been revamping the obtaining Merc quests and such.
  18. Tobynn Augur

    Umm, that earring ceased to have anything whatsoever to so with stamina about a decade ago, and it never did anything for endurance.
  19. Tobynn Augur

    I stopped by Sanctus Seru today, and there I did not find any riotous mob fighting one another to complete that old earring quest. In fact, the zone was empty, although all four of the Praesertums were up.
  20. Siwin Nonesuch Elder

    Granitebark Blessing Rk. III
    Yeah I know 6 per tick LOL! Big deal.
    I've thrown out an idea to the DEV's for a new ablity for druids to have so you melee guys actually want us Druids around for something. Here is the idea I thought of.
    Would something like that make you melee peeps actually want to have a Druid around?

    If you didn't know, Druids are the Only Caster class that has NO Burst mana return ablity.