Wich RoS edition to buy

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Speathdell, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. Speathdell Journeyman

    Hello , I am unsure what RoS edition to buy. Are the goodies of the collectors and premium edition important for gameplay ?
  2. smash Augur

  3. Intenso Augur

    you get eod1 with the expensive one ?
  4. smash Augur

    Ofx. NOT.
  5. Thoxsel Djess' Pet Warrior

    Getting a more expensive version is certainly not required at all, its more if you want the benefit of some quality of life things (which you can certainly be without especially if you are already in a guild where someone has added the lantern to the guild hall for example) or want one of the mounts etc that are specific to the expensive versions. I guess you could argue that dropping money on the more expensive options could potentially keep EQ running for longer than not. ;) (Even though one purchase is a drop in the ocean.)
  6. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    You can get a mount with comparable stats by completing progression I think. So the difference is mainly visible fluff, a large bag, a few one-time consumables, and some teleport clickies(one is placeable in guildhalls).
  7. Speathdell Journeyman

    Thank you for the Information, it helped me to decide :)