Why your Que is bad for business...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Drelik, May 25, 2015.

  1. Balding_Bear New Member

    Alot of you guys forget( or dont really care ) that not everyone has the luxury of waiting in the god damn que for hours, only to be able to play for one. I realize that thing will even out "in time" but thats completly beside the point. When i pay for a service, i want it available to me in a reasonable amount of time. I havent subbed since 2004. It really leaves a bad taste in ones mouth when i PAY for EQ again and i cant even friggin play it. I only bought one month ( thank god) and i cancelled the recurring billage. I guarantee thousands of others are doing the same.
    Drelik likes this.
  2. Kebin New Member

    It's pretty sad, that I can join the queue....then go out to dinner and see a movie at a theatre...when I get home I just 'hope', I am at the character select screen
    Drelik likes this.
  3. Happyfunball New Member

    Seems to me what all the people suggesting to give things a couple weeks are really saying is "wait for enough people to get tired of not being able to play and quit, then maybe you'll get to play".
    Ltldogg likes this.
  4. Draden Elder

    By yourself because everyone except boxers have quit.
    Ltldogg likes this.
  5. Kahna Augur

    The game will have a lot of attrition in the first few weeks, and not just from people frustrated about not playing. Both other TLP servers suffered from a lot of "this isn't what I remember, I'm quitting" folks. When they leave, it will get better. I wouldn't be surprised if the game lost 25% of it's population in the first month or two for this reason. Stick around. It will get better.
  6. Dartaniun Augur

    Sit in the Q for a month or two? No thanks, they need to fix this problem by opening up another server. There really can't be any other fix if the server is at it's cap being stable.

    The demand is here, open a 2nd server
    Ltldogg and Daragoth like this.
  7. Drelik Lorekeeper

    Lovely, now the validation message came up after 3 hours in a que.
  8. Daragoth Lorekeeper

    I agree, I can't see how opening another server is not the universal solution.
  9. Hendar2 Augur

    The people saying that a second server won't work are gambling with DBG's money. The sad thing is that DBG employees are gambling with this money. A second server is needed to retain the current population. It isn't too late: I'd reroll in a heartbeat. I don't need a transfer. I do need to not spend 3.5 hours in a queue like I did today.

    Vulak was opened within hours. It could probably be shutdown within hours as well. Transfer folks to Fippy, and repurpose it as a TLP server. The same ruleset. If the servers *do* need merging, which nobody here knows for sure, there is an opportunity in 6 months. Nobody will be out of sync, so it would be a perfect time to merge.
  10. iatre Journeyman

    I suspect it will get worse before it gets better. There are more places to level at levels 1-20 than there are at 40+. As the server ages, more people will be in that level 40 bottleneck. DPS races against ice giants in front of permafrost, that sort of thing.
  11. Ltldogg Augur

    We need a second server tomorrow (Tuesday)!
  12. Sanguril007 New Member

    No there is no patient. If people have to wait over 2 hours to possibly login that is unacceptable. Start another Server!!
    Ltldogg likes this.
  13. Raejin Lorekeeper

    Yeah I'm about to hang it up. The glory days are past anyways.What we have now is just a mess.
  14. Hendar2 Augur

    The funny thing is that I bet DBG is writing off statements like this as hyperbole. They may not be able to grasp how people respond to the perception of paying for something and not getting it. I am not going to debate whether the subscription has value, that is a matter for each person to decide on their own.

    But ask yourselves this:

    1) Are people spending a lot of time in the queue?
    2) Do they seem happy?
    3) Do they *currently* pay you money?
    4) Do you think this will continue without something changing?

    Change is bound to occur. Now, what sort of change would you like?

    Taken out of context, but frankly this seems like the official position on the queue at the moment.
  15. Freki Augur

    alright why don't we all come up with a proposal for DBG that shows them in corporate terms what they need to do. what do we need to talk about? the following: 1) where will the equipment come from, 2) where will the man power come from, 3) what is the benefit of this new server and finally 4) all the supporting evidence that can be seen, understood and accepted as FACT. at this point DBG will either accept the proposal or they will reject it.

    all here have NO idea what equipment is needed, what needs to be done, what dev support is needed, what dev support is already there. (you might know if you were part of the company at one point. you might if you run a game like this but that's the exception, not the rule). yes you can say X and Y all day and all night but in reality we are almost all ignorant on the back end of a game like this or at the most some of us have a small idea but not a complete one.
  16. Hendar2 Augur

    Let's see... Vulak is in need of a merge. Do you think that hardware might be sufficient to run a server? Common sense does not require inside knowledge.