Why dont people do older raids?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by dundada3100, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. dundada3100 Elder

    I loved going back in WoW to do older raids for titles, achievements, or maybe a really cool item I always wanted but never got. Theres a lot of raids I never got to do in EQ like pretty much everything in DoDH, PoR, TSS, TBS, SoF, SoD, UF, HoT, and VoA. I have done all of the raids in RoF and CotF but would love to do the older ones to experience them and also get some of the titles. But no one ever does them. I have tried putting PuGs together using general but it never works. Maybe its because Im on FV as it seems no one other than like 2 guilds ever does anything anyways. It kinda sucks knowing I will never see some of the older raids.
    Miss_Jackie and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  2. Naugrin Augur

    Some you can do alone for the most part depending on your class....like anguish....you n 5 offline toons works fine.
  3. Dre. Altoholic

    Focus decay and modern spreadsheet-style itemization.

    Aside from a handful of items, older raid gear is only better if you're building an alt/twink for a very narrow level range. Most people would rather grab bazaar stuff and race towards the max-level game where they think the bulk of the group/raid opportunity exists.

    Gear in EverQuest goes obsolete faster than video cards these days.
    Malachi likes this.
  4. dundada3100 Elder

    Anguish isnt a problem since theres always people running it for Orbs. But never see people doing the other stuff. I can understand people not wanting to do VoA since it probably still takes a decent amount of time. But wouldnt all the stuff from TSS, TBS, and SoD be very fast with a bunch of raid geared 100s?
  5. Ratbo Peep Augur

    On CT there are (fairly often) open raids on The Steam Factory for the Energeic flags.
    Past that - not much.
  6. Flying Vampire New Member

    It's not worth the effort. They would need to up stats considerably before anyone will bother.
  7. dundada3100 Elder

    so no body does stuff just for fun or because they have never done it before?
  8. Mithrandyr Augur

    My guild of friends on Povar is working on TSS atm. We usually field around 2-3 groups with 5-8 people. One of the problems with doing old raids is keying to request them as most people did that when it was current and have no wish to revisit. We are all around level 90 and do TSS and PoR raids. When we get to 100 we will start tackling SoF and SoD.
  9. Rainbowdash Augur

    Nope. welcome to modern Everquest. Where fun is lame and numbers are sexy.


    Aww yeah that's so hot. look how the four looks like it's ready for fun time lovin. I bet every one of these numbers would look great on my stats page. Especially if lined next to eachother to make a bigger number. Omg can you imagine if this was on a single item? Ughhh so so hot. Brb having some alone time.
  10. McDougal Augur

    Now that's some funny stuff.
  11. Gnomeland Augur

    Because of progression servers. People who want to experience old content have plenty of avenues for doing so, whether via progression servers / progression guilds on normal servers.
  12. EQTrixy Elder

    My guild is actively trying to do older raid content.

    There are some pros and cons to do older content in today's game. Biggest pro, everyone knows the strats already. Biggest con, finding the content up when we have a raid forces willing to do it. This is my pro and con. The con will go away once we get into instance content.
  13. dundada3100 Elder

    Wish I could at least transfer to another server so I could tag along for some of them but Im now allowed to.
  14. Khat_Nip Meow

    As of ~an hour ago a few of us went back and did some Tower/Korafax raids for poohs and giggles. But yeah, go ahead and generalize; NO ONE does them.
    Pick a thread anywhere on these forums and you'll see a vocal minority whining about something, even if it's a positive addition for the greater good.
    I swear some people would feel they have empty lives if they weren't actively complaining about something.
    moogs, Rolaque and Rainbowdash like this.
  15. Langya Augur

    Old raids are fun, but it is not always easy to find enough like minded people.
    Miss_Jackie likes this.
  16. Riou EQResource

    The raids suck and there is nothing worthwhile in 99% of them. Outside of the few that give title/illusion/special AA, why waste your time doing them when you can do other things :p there is no benefit to doing so.
  17. Siddar Augur

    Item mudflation and focus decay obsoleting old raid items.

    There are enough newer content raids to satiate any raiding guilds loot needs by simply readding more current prior tiers of content that guild has stopped farming.

    Event difficulty certain even simply remain a pita no matter how outdated they have become.

    Having to relearn old events again because of player turnover.
  18. Atvar Augur

    Older raids:
    1. Terrible the first time around.
    2. Can be/are soloed. I saw someone in guild getting SoD raid achievements just the other day.
    3. Hard to get enough people to complete.
    4. Loot is worse than group gear.
    5. Not fun at level 100.
  19. EQTrixy Elder

    Sure there is... It's called fun!

    I really enjoy doing older raids in or around the level they were meant for.

    This is a game. It's suppose to be played for fun. I have fun doing older content. Because I am getting enjoyment out of it, it's not a waste of time.
  20. Retty Lorekeeper

    In WoW old raids are popular since you can transmog your gear to look like anything (within class/cloth/leather/plate archtype limits) from days of old.

    I promise you'd see more people running about trying to get people together for old raids, if you can replace the look of your current weapon from something from before. Lot more incentive to try old content, since it's all about lookin' good. But lord knows SoE doesn't want that interfering with their shekels from ornaments.