/who all 50 (Ragefire)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Numiko, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. Numiko Augur

    Did a little /who al survey to see mainly the spread of class's at 50, of course there are more who are not logged in when I did this or are /anon but it should give a sample of what people are playing.

    Magician was the only one that returned the "to many" response and for some odd reason not one level 50 SK was on and not anon, in fact the highest level SK I could find was just 44!
    I'm sure there are some, maybe they are just all shy and like to go anon or roleplay ;)

    anyhow here is what I found

    Magician - to many to list
    Enchanter - 17
    Cleric - 14
    Necromancer - 11
    Wizard - 9
    Warrior - 6
    Bard - 5
    Druid - 5
    Shaman - 4
    Paladin - 3
    Monk - 2
    Ranger - 2
    Rogue - 2
    Shadow Knight - 0
  2. Vaclav Augur

    Too many to list is still around 40-50, right? If so, jeez.
  3. Zhama Elder

    the vast majority of 50's that ive seen are either anon or roleplaying. a lot of guilds have that as policy, rosen, tl and apok are all generally that way.
  4. Numiko Augur

    this also explains why top caster gear is demanding top plats, multiple krono while melee gear is dirt cheap for the most part.
  5. Synisca Augur

    Yep, so when people /who their guild, they can't see if they are gathering or otw to a raid.
  6. Ducreux Augur

    If you want a better estimate of class makeup /join Warrior/Rogue/Ranger/Wizard etc class channels. Most 50s will be anon/role to prevent griefing and leaking informaiton.
  7. Fiyero Augur

    I'm surprised by druid - they're usually one of the most played classes.
  8. Ducreux Augur

    Druid would probably be a lot more popular with Kunark out. Right now there just aren't many options for outdoor soloing 30+ , but it is odd that I almost never see any LFG inside dungeons.
  9. Hendar2 Augur

    /role or /anon

    Druids probably receiving tells asking for ports.
    Numiko and Mogossis like this.
  10. Vaclav Augur

    Dunno about that, I've gotten two port requests from nonfriends on my druid to date.

    Had more requests for PL for kronos in fact. (not that there's a ton of those either)
  11. Darth Augur

    If you need ports, you're just lazy. Only two spots one should ever need a port to these days. Permafrost and The Hole.
  12. LittleBrumski Augur

    If you need ports, you're just lazy...and aren't willing to walk up hill both ways in the snow without shoes...
  13. nagash101 Augur

    good job you didn't get a single Anon or Roleplay, which Is about 90% of the high level toons.
  14. Heldrix New Member

    << 50 sk /role

    This post is irrelevant with /role and /anon
  15. Vlerg Augur

    it would be a ton more accurate to zone in fear-hate-sky-hole-solB-Lguk...

    everyone that's raiding, or hitting those juicy target, is either roleplaying or anonymous. How i know? half my guild is roleplaying right now.
  16. Alpha_Ragefire Lorekeeper

    Druids also get spammed for ports and are thusly more likely to be anon/role play.
  17. Weverley Augur

    And me who thought all guilds were resentful of people in their guild going anon. I had guild leader telling me to remove my anon when i put it a few times or going look for another guild.
  18. TarewMarrForever Augur

    Plus IIRC some current end-game Classic caster gear is still decent stuff after Kunark. Aren't there even a few slots that don't even get improved by Kunark drops? GEB's ring a bell, but it's been a long time. So it's better long-term investment.

    Try saying that for any melee armor...or weaps.

    I remember when I returned in 2002-2003 timeframe and my wiz was decked out from years before in SMR, GEB, BCC, RC, GCB x2, GBS, GSS, DHL, SBM, CoF, etc. Class was still very playable, My mana pool may not have been as deep as others, but a wizzy that dumps all of hsi mana is often a dead wizzy anyway.

    My warrior on the on the hand, in equally awesome gear at the time I quit, was a joke. Full mithril armor, two yak's, MTHS, GS, etc. All the best drops in most of the slots. Result? Way, way too low of AC to be effective at tanking, and too low of DPS to draw any aggro anyway, which is a combo that means you are of no use.;-)
  19. Numiko Augur

    I was not going for a total of each class, I just wanted to see which class was getting played more or less.. I know anon and roll takes them out of the who all, but I figured it would be fairly even across all classes so would give an indication of if what people predicted before launch (no one would play rogues or rangers) had come true or not.