Which zone has your favorite music? Which zone is your least favorite / muted?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Deux, Jul 24, 2020.

  1. Luscarion New Member

    100% yes! Also Kelethin because nostalgia
  2. Animosity Elder

    Kelethin and Rivervale are the only answer.
    Grove likes this.
  3. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    I notice no one is talking about any of the newer expansions..
    now I play sounds off, ALL sounds off. but When new expansions come out, I do listen to each zones music at least a few times to know what I have turned off..
    I LIKE the music for TBM.. specifically Demi plane of Life, its very ..Fitting for a zone that mixes day of the dead with mardi gras.
  4. Cloud the Third Augur

    I didn't even know we had music I have had it muted for so long... these music files really play in game? I think I have had them muted since velius was out.
  5. Fenthen aka Rath

    Favorite: Natimbi
    Least: Bazaar
  6. Krizem Augur

    Favorite: Arx (Steamfactory close second)
    Least: Argin-Hiz
  7. Iven the Lunatic

    Enjoy 11 hours and 20 minutes of music for just the mp3 files.