Where to level 80+?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by bababooey, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. bababooey New Member

    Right now I have an 81 mage and 85 necro.

    I'm not sure where I should be leveling... sometimes I box sometimes I just play one character. Where would be some good spots where 1) I could box 2) play the mage or necro solo or grouped?

  2. silku Augur

    I want to say at 80 I was doing the elementals in Katta Castrum. Here let me show a map that I used to give people on where to go to get them. Excellent to fight (especially for a mage in that range). Fast aa, decent real exp.

    moogs likes this.
  3. DanTheMane New Member

    The answer you're looking for is KW.. at the Nedsin quest guy camp,he is a great safe spot to pull to. Pull all the Clay Golem type mobs. After KW move on to HoT around 85ish. Youll have a lot more success in KW boxing and using J5 mercs.
  4. stuermchen Elder

    Like Silku I would recommend Katta. Later probably jewel of Attiki.
  5. --Voodoo-- Augur

    My memory isn't what it used to be, but I'm thinking 80 is too high for Katta. The elemental are "weak" cons, so less exp than normal mobs. I think I moved to Thallassius before then.

    With a merc, Beza should be good, or Fort Mech if low on pet AA. If Boxing, Beza, Zeka, and Hills of Shade should be doable.
  6. Borek-VS Augur

    I found Katta to be better experience for a solo mage to at least 85, if you had the right camp and strategy. Weak light blue elementals that die very quickly are good. Beza/Zeka/Mechmatic Guardian are all a lot more interesting (never did any solo experience in Fortress Mechanotus).

    Duoing with a necro makes it more effective to go for higher cons, to make better use of stacked dots. Hills of Shade, Old Feerrott or House of Thule could work.