When the /bazaar is unlocked on a TLP, how does it affect prices?

Discussion in 'TLP Guild Recruitment' started by Bernel, Jun 24, 2023.

  1. Bernel Augur

    Before the /bazaar is available, players use have to use ad-hoc methods like chat channels and the EC tunnels to buy and sell stuff one-on-one. Although there's a certain charm to doing things that way, it can also be a hassle and time sink trying to auction stuff off and finding stuff to buy. That hassle will have some affect on the price depending on how much hassle the buyers and sellers are willing to put up with. The bazaar makes buying and selling a lot easier. In general, how do prices change from the /auction environment to the /bazaar environment? Do more buyers enter the market and drive prices up? Or do more people sell stuff because it's easier and drive prices down? Or does it not really matter all that much, and the prices for stuff pre-bazaar are pretty much the same post-bazaar?