What to melody?

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Roxxanna, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. Roxxanna Augur

    In short, I made myself a heroic bard to accompany my clerics, shes now 88, but I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out what to melody, or what, if anything, will even help 105 clerics.
  2. Crystilla Augur

    Remind folks about your crazy (aka fun) play style Roxxy!
  3. Roxxanna Augur

    Oh yes, good thinking, I will be running 2 clerics, 1 bard, and 3 burn wizzys. I would love a melody that could enhance my casters and the idiot cleric out front with her hammer in the mobs faces, but I am unsure what would help since so many things lose effectiveness on targets over a certain level, and what songs go together since the ones I've made seem to stop due to a conflict that I'm not aware of.
  4. Tutmir Journeyman

    Great post from Sirene for a general heroic bard guide

    Basically I'd just treat this as a caster group, bards do little for clerics in the healing department and the gains from buffing the wizard mercs outweigh the gains from making your tank cleric a better tank imo.

    So with a cleric tanking and 3 wizzy mercs on burn you're probably going to be wanting to run haste/overhaste to help with your melee aggro (if you need it) until you can go get a Symphony of battle weapon to keep yourself at max haste, then you can drop the haste song and just use Aria with fatesong (cold DD buff song line)

    You can play with melody rotations to get Requiem of time(bard slow) to cast automatically but its a pain and the melody ends up being like 30 songs lol. Just a simple /melody 1 2 3 4 5 should work fine or the more complex one to keep aria at 100% uptime and cast crescendo on cooldown but its unlikely that your bard will have enough mana regen to keep that up for long until you invest in the regen aa's.

    As far as level caps on songs: until you get the bard higher level you will really only be giving yourself overhaste/haste and regen, only the bards merc will see any benifit from the caster songs, so maybe running a ac/aggro proc tank melody would be more beneficial until you start getting the 100+ songs....

    1 - Aria of the Poet
    2 - Arcane Arietta
    3 - Talendor's Aria
    4 - Pulse of Rodcet - don't use chorus if your just by yourself
    5 - War March of Brekt - as soon as you have a way of giving yourself max haste swap this out for Fatesong of xxx (fergar is the level 87 version)
    6 - Dance of the Dragorn
    7 - Gruber's Lively Crescendo
    8 - Requiem of Time
    9 - Aura of Rodcet
    10 - Kazumi's Note of Preservation
    11 - Wave of Slumber
    12 - Slumber of the Mindshear
  5. guado Augur

  6. Roxxanna Augur

    Awesome, thanks guys.