What makes "the best" player?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by I_Love_My_Bandwidth, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. NatazzEvoli Elder

    Solid defense, a good jump shot, selflessness, availability, and hustle. I'd want 53 of those on my team.
    Flatchy and Nennius like this.
  2. Flatchy Court Jester

    I think The Indiana Fever got that in the first round draft this year.
    NatazzEvoli likes this.
  3. Sissruukk Rogue One

    What I see mostly commented on this thread comes from a raiding viewpoint as to "what makes the best player." So, I will present some things that just follow general "what makes the best player" in my own opinion.
    1. Is kind and courteous to others, regardless of the other person's skill.
    2. Is willing to take time to work with others that are willing to learn.
    3. Works as a team, communicating even with those you may not like.
    4. Is not condescending to someone else who may not be as good as you feel they should be.
  4. Immortalus Lorekeeper

    Personally, anyone who isn't a know-it-all is the best player.
    Sissruukk likes this.
  5. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    I think my last post got blocked but people are missing the title of this thread. It says how do you "make" the best player not how do you "be' the best player. My parents talked to me about this a long time ago!
  6. The real Sandaormo Augur

    How, makes it sound like you can write out a formula and make a great player. The question was What makes a great player not how to make one.
  7. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Apparently, according to ChatGPT, there is a formula. When I typed in "write a formula on how to make a great player in video games," this is the answer it gave me:

    Creating a great player in video games is a multi-faceted process, but here's a formula to guide you:
    Great Player = (Skill + Strategy + Adaptability) * (Patience + Persistence)
    1. Skill: Master the game mechanics, understand character abilities, and hone reflexes and coordination through practice.
    2. Strategy: Develop tactics for different scenarios, including offense, defense, and teamwork strategies. Analyze opponents and adapt strategies accordingly.
    3. Adaptability: Be flexible in gameplay, able to adjust strategies on the fly, switch characters or playstyles as needed, and learn from mistakes.
    4. Patience: Stay calm and focused during intense moments. Don't rush decisions; take time to analyze the situation and make informed choices.
    5. Persistence: Keep practicing and learning from failures. Accept defeats as learning opportunities and strive to improve continuously.
    Metanis likes this.
  8. The real Sandaormo Augur

    Now if I can get AI to play Sanda on raids I can get on with my life! =(
  9. Alnitak Augur

    Superb! Let me rearrange the answer (please note, I just copy-pasted):
    "How to make a great player in video games. By ChaGPT"

    1. Hone reflexes and don't rush decisions.
    2. Master the game mechanics and accept defeats.
    3. Be flexible in gameplay and keep learning from failures.
    4. Take time to analyze the situation and switch characters as needed.
    5. Adjust strategies on the fly and stay focused.

    Follow this ChatGPT formula and you will be diagnosed with Shizophrenia aggrovated by PTSD.
  10. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    Someone who got gud.
    Metanis likes this.
  11. Lluianae Elder

    As a raid leader I'd have said something along the lines of what's been posted already. I'd also look back to one of Apos' old quotes about the best players being the ones who knew how to grow from failure and try again. I can't find the original one - does anyone remember it? In my eyes he was one of the best guild leaders of all time. Cestus Dei was one a hell of a guild in the day and gave us all a run for our money.

    As someone who left for a long time and returned, it's the people you make the best memories with. Achieving great feats together often with hilarious consequences.
    The real Sandaormo and Metanis like this.
  12. Metanis Bad Company

    Any player you're happy to invite to your group or your raid. Usually because they contribute in some meaningful way.
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth and Nennius like this.
  13. Godsanvil Journeyman

    A not AFK player is great to me.
  14. Tachyon Augur

    sense of humor!
  15. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    This is everquest it is serious no humor allowed!