What is up with instances?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Zantor, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Zantor Augur

    Atleast on Xegony, seems atm no new instances are being generated? Anyone else having this problem?
  2. Xert New Member

    Yep, Rathe is the same way.
  3. Quirog Elder

    Drinal also having no instances
  4. Zantor Augur

    Now if a kind Dev can give estimation when it may get resolved?
  5. Romance Augur

    Iila likes this.
  6. Zantor Augur

  7. Palen New Member

    It's the beginning of the end I tell you. What with this and the Marketplace being unavailable, it's the slow death of EQ Muhahaha!
  8. SaderakhBertox Augur

    Maybe they are ramping up the zombie horde and stealing too much server juice for it ;p
  9. silku Augur

    Still no response after an hour? Still down on rathe as well.
  10. Zantor Augur

    Yeah wish I know what was wrong and how long it may take to fix, so I knew how to plan my day.
  11. Roshen Brand Manager

    The team is currently looking into this.

    If you're still having an issue with this, please let us know what server you are on when you reply here.
  12. Kilean-MT New Member

    We tried getting the 1st Katta raid: Defense of the City, Argin-Hiz raid: Burn Out, Plane of War raid and WK 1 raid: The Doomscale Horde. All 4 instances refused to let anyone inside when using the proper keyword(typed or clicked). I am on the Erollisi Marr server.
  13. Saave Augur

    HA still down.. Erollisi. Just was mentioned in general chat.
  14. MiataDriver Augur

    Looks like all instances not working on EMarr, including Guild Halls.
  15. Bamkan Augur

    Cannot zone into Thalisaur HA.
    Cannot zone into WK #2 raid.

    Both on Erollisi Marr.
  16. JChan Developer

    Instances should be working again on Erollisi Marr.

    Please let us know if you encounter this on any other worlds.
  17. Bamkan Augur

    Thalisaur HA able to zone in. Thanks JChan.
  18. Cerris Augur

    Instances seem down or at least twitchy on Test
    Lisandra likes this.
  19. JChan Developer

    Investigating this now. No ETA on resolution.
  20. Lisandra Augur

    Been down on Test all day & some of yesterday as well. Thanks for looking into it.