What is the deal with cleric heals?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Salora, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. Salora New Member

    Today I suspended my necro's healer merc and tried to box heal with my cleric and I couldnt keep the tank merc up with out being on the cleric 24/7! What ever happened to back in the day of throwing a hot or two on the tank during the whole fight? What am I doing wrong?

    P.S. Necro is 92 and Cleric is 87
  2. Lighteningrod Augur

    Making assumptions about boxing without doing research.
    Fenudir likes this.
  3. Brohg Augur

    Healing, tanking, mob damage - have changed a great deal since Chain Celestial Healing was a good method of healing. And mercs aren't good tanks. They just are tanks, for when you lack one.
  4. Iila Augur

    Heal over times are awful. Tank mercs are dumb and awful, but you should be able to keep one alive. Make sure it's buffed with your Shining Whatever (Bastion, Rampant, something) buff. If you had a clr merc up first, it would have cast Vie on the tank. That buff sucks, click it off because it will block your Shining buff.

    There's roughly a million posts in this forum about cleric healing. Most of them are going to be for level 100 or 105 healing, but they are still worth reading since you're very out of touch with current EQ healing. The general idea now is to cast lots of heals, not big heals. The days of Complete Heal or BP clicked Celestial Elixir are long gone.

    (Did anyone else read this title in a Seinfeld voice?)
    Mintalie likes this.
  5. Salora New Member

    I want to thank everyone who helped me with my cleric over this week. And you guys are right its not the cleric of the old, I gave up on it and made a mage to duo with my necro.
  6. Crystilla Augur

    Many felt that clerics of old (the style of healing they used) needed to be changed because hitting 1 button or 2 buttons and then doing nothing was both a) overpowered and b) boring.

    DBG changed the focus of cleric healing from the single spell set to a multitude of options. So you can't sit/fire anymore unless you set up a heal key (which will work). But clerics nowadays do a lot more than just cast one heal and most of us are happy for it.

    I can see boxing wise, especially if your main is a necro who requires so much attention, you wouldn't want a 2nd box to require more focus as well.
  7. Isule Elder

    but you can write a macro that orders which heals to use and then you can still just click 1 button if necessary. not optimal but better then your average non raiding cleric still that doesn't understand the priority system of heals.
  8. Laronk Augur

    You are not doing anything wrong, the game has changed is all. Instead of resource management clerics now are more active and have to be on-top of the health of the tank/group.

    My cleric has 6 direct (2 quick heals 3 other semi quick heals usually interventions and then the last heal is light) heals loaded all bound to one button I also have a group heal, a HOT and ward (its a very short buff that blocks x damage on the next 8 attacks then heals the person who had the buff).

    In groups sometimes I have to non stop spam heals on the person taking damage depending on their gear level and what we're hunting how we're playing ect ect.
  9. Mintalie Augur

    Was there any other way to read it?