What is going to happen for us loyal customers?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vack, Apr 18, 2020.

  1. Bullsnooze Augur

    Yep, and I'm just generalizing all major issues as war room worthy. Anything that is customer impacting typically demands a war room, but ultimately its SLA based.

    A server crash would most certainly be P1 or at the very least a P2 with automation (or failover) that immediately detects, resets the infrastructure, and closes out the incident. Though P1 or P2 someone will be notified.
  2. Spayce Augur

    War room? Over a server instability issue? LOL...let's be real.

    DPG doesn't even own the servers that run this game. They have some $40k per year IT-level guy who can reset the servers and make updates. When that goes wrong, and it usually does, we see massive issues updating the game.

    This dev team is good at one thing, and one thing only: hosting super old content very cheaply.

    Remember a year or so ago some super duper "lead dev" (can't remember the name) used to post about bug fixes that made to the game? His answers ultimately were along the lines of sharing the weighted table used for spawns or attribute timers of events. That was their lead...a guy who could go in and look at weighted tables and attributes...and then call it "fixed". He couldn't debug anything. He couldn't solve anything. He was basically the equivalent of an intern at a real software company. Any attempts at solving an issue past altering a setting in some table invariably resulted in massive unintended issues way down stream.

    So keep that in mind every time you complain about this dev team. They literally are incapable of most things folks ask for on these forums.
  3. That0neguy Augur

    Yes. The individual incident is probably P1 or P2. But that doesn't mean there is a war room for it. The issue of repeatedly crashing servers would be categorized as a problem ticket if you really want to jump into ITIL. Again, no one is running a war room for either issue.
  4. Aussieguy Lorekeeper

    I think we should all just call it quits and wait for Pantheon to launch.. because this game is finished and has been washed out so many times, it's becoming a joke.

    Game is done folks, accept it.
  5. SmoochyOfWolfington Augur

    So is it only Mangler that is having the majority of issues? Firiona is holding up pretty well. No body wants to role play? Better yet stay where you are now. o_O I don't want you ruining my server... ^^!
  6. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Well aren't you a ray of sunshine!

    You are also making a mistake that people have made for 21 years no less, the community here have heard "game is dying" or "game is dead" for that long and they are STILL here.

    EQ dies when the community does, however the game could very well be "dead for you" if you have grown so dissatisfied that you quit playing it.