What happens when you have too many Bathezid Trade Gems?

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Goodn, Sep 25, 2018.

  1. Goodn Augur

    You decide to buy different sets of type 5 augs. My wizard is a mix a phlogiston and ros raid, pretty well augged. I had all type 5 ros group int augs (20 total) and decided to buy a full set of stamina ones as well as the celerity ones (all +21).

    Of course, you can calculate the changes by hand (or spreadsheet). But what is the fun in that. The wizard had full group rank 2 buffs (no ranger or beasty buffs) and was sitting on a horse when I did the changes.

    For grins and giggles, here are the results.

    First, type 5 int:

    Then type 5 stamina:

    and the type 5 all:
    Venau likes this.
  2. Venau Augur

    I find the method of looking at your screenshots the very very very bestest method of calculation ever!