What does the "[" key do, and how can I get rid of it?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Pufferfish, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. Pufferfish New Member

    What does the "[" key do, and how can I get rid of it?

    It's been awhile since I've played, but one thing that's new is that the "[" key seems to bring up the chat bar and it is un-bindable. Which leads me to 2 questions...

    1) Is there a method to un-bind the "[" key from starting the chat bar? Maybe by messing with an INI somewhere? (It's not in Options->Keys anywhere)

    2) What is the purpose of the "[" key as it is anyway? It brings up the chat bar with a [ character in front, but what purpose does this serve?
  2. Crystilla Augur

    The [ is a chat related function. I may be off on this (so someone correct me).

    You can use the semicolon or [ interchangeably for sending tells over to EQII, sending tells if you're in hover mode and for other server tells.