What do you think of true box?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tinytinker, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. Tinytinker Augur

    I have seen people say they wish the next server would completely ban boxing or be stricter than true box (i.e. IP restrictions or single accounts). Reasons cited are people want to play with other real players and problems with boxers camping drops or offering power levels. Other people say that true box is great, it has brought back the community, and they hope to see another true box rule set on the next server.

    I am wondering how well you feel true box works and if you feel disappointed in it, where did true box let you down?
  2. Riley Augur

    No Krono is a silly restriction, when paired with IP restrictions/single accounts.

    Let's be real. Krono for them is a cash cow, and a gateway for players to actually populate these realms who otherwise wouldn't bother. You want to kill two birds with one stone? True box code and a ban on input duplication.
  3. Machen New Member

    I am disappointed it exists. Boxing on one computer is much more enjoyable than boxing on several computers. They should have just disabled m q and left it at that.
  4. Zanarnar Augur

    I'm glad they put it in. In theory I don't mind people boxing, I did it myself back in the day with another desktop and laptop. In practice with things like M* and I* it was the only option they really had. Sure they could try to disable the tools but the coders would find ways around and it would be a constant back and forth.

    Is it perfect? No. Is it a massive improvement? heck yes!!
  5. liveitup1216 Augur

    I've always been a vocal anti-boxer because I personally feel boxing puts too much power in the hands of one player. Truebox has stifled this power vacuum pretty well but it obviously still exists with a single person being able to hold down lucrative camps all to themselves and in general have advantage over other players.

    That being said I'm no fool, boxing makes DBG money and they'd never outright remove it from even one server. TrueBox is unfortunately as good as it'll get, but it was a huge improvement over every other TLP / Prog server.

    I'm looking forward to the thrill of another new server, but if the boxing policy is any laxer than TrueBox then I won't play there at all.
  6. Machen New Member

    I am disappointed it exists. Boxing on one computer is much more enjoyable than boxing on several computers. They should have just disabled m q and left it at that.
  7. fransisco Augur

    Krono ruins the sever more than boxing does.
    People play there to farm kronos and make money - thus the motivation for alot of boxing. It completely disrupts the server and the economy.
  8. Coppercoz Augur

    I think true box or any other suggested means to limit boxing is unnecessary. To me, the more paying accounts the better as it keeps my cost down too.

    I think bot armies can be limited by simply refusing to buy or sell krono in game if the server population really wants limited boxing. As for PL services, I think xp rate plays a big part in driving that demand.
  9. Darshan New Member

    From what I heard the Mage armies ruined boxing on progressions servers. So maybe it should be limited to 2 accounts because I prefer to run a Healer/Dps since Melee dps are so boring, It makes the game alitte more interesting with 2 characters.
  10. Bolten_DA Augur

    If its instancing..let people box.
    If its open world only...IP restriction server would be an great optional rule set never done before.
  11. Stewgottz Augur

    Mage Armies ruined Mages on progression servers :p

    I'm never of the mind to tell people how they should play a video game. I find true box restrictive. If the concern of allowing boxing is Mage armies dominating content, the source of those toons are the Krono people accumulate on Live and then bring to a TLP to pay for them. Do not think anyone who boxes 24 some odd toons pays Day Break $$ for any of them because they do not.

    Since Krono aren't going anywhere.

  12. Zanarnar Augur

    The thing is; the ** armies ruin more then raids; they monopolize anything worth camping in game. Generally its not even a person watching/playing em but M* automated play. Non-progression servers, sure bot yourself to death; the progression servers should limit boxing and the true box code does a reasonably good job at it.

    You literally have ONE (maybe two if the new one is TB) server that you cannot M* and play your box army; pick any of the other servers and have a ball if thats your thing. Otherwise get over the fact that we have one server that you people can't ruin.
  13. Tinytinker Augur

    I am neutral on true box. I am against stuff like IP restrictions because I think it would make things harder for families who want to play together and I think it is excessive. I have seen individual players on Phinny and Project 1999 cause just as much trouble as box crews. So, the problem to me is the individual.

    I would like to see the following addressed, because I think they lead to confrontations between people and greedy behavior. Take a hard stance on cheating, get rid of multi questing epic pieces, reduce the respawn time on desirable mobs, lower the amount of people required to get instances, and keep gear no trade. As cool as it would be to do a Firiona Vie ruleset, tradable loot brings out the worst in people, boxers and single players alike. I'd like to see xp brought up to RF/LJ levels so people don't feel like they need power levels and I'd like to see Daybreak do something to spread people out more, so folks aren't all congested in places like Unrest.
  14. Stewgottz Augur

    Hmmm, maybe I could have worded my reply better. My point was Krono finances box armies..I'm all for banning Em Q Two and I don't box 24 toons, pretty sure my hard drive would melt.

    The issue of group zone domination, Efreeti for example, is real. Maybe if they go the route of boxing + instancing they can lower the /pick threshold ? We've never seen how instancing and boxing jive together.
  15. Strawberry Augur

    True Box works great. Live servers are just zombie servers with all the multiboxing.

    I don't think it needs to be more strict, since I don't know how that would even work. If you only allow 1 account per IP address, people will just circumvent that with their mobile connection and VPN easily.

    What disappoints me is that it's always classic servers, classic content can be easily exploited by raiders, and all the gear being tradeable brings in krono farmers.

    It isn't until you get to PoP that content and raids can't be easily exploited anymore and more and more gear starts to become no trade.

    The only remedy to this is not launching in classic, or adding defiant gear / starter quests, so that you don't get the krono farmers / mass exploiters on the server.

    I dislike Krono too, it bring in so many exploiters making RL money from them.
  16. Kahna Augur

    Poor Krono, always getting blamed for the activities that have gone on for years before they ever existed. Krono does far more good for EQ than bad. Both in providing a source of income for the developers, allowing people to play who might otherwise not be able to, and making it much easier for a new player to jump in and catch up to the power curve, by buying a Krono and picking up some decent gear.

    Most of the negatives blamed on Krono aren't in any way related to Krono. People would still farm stuff to RMT without Krono, they certainly did in '99. I don't care if you take kronos out of the game completely, you still aren't getting that GEB camp in classic. It will still be farmed 24/7 by someone who is not you, and who is not willing to share. Krono's don't cause inflation because they don't add any plat to the game. The only thing they do that some folks think is negative is allow you to bring wealth over from another server. Most people don't have enough Krono for it to be a major issue, and the ones with hundreds of Krono? Well, they are the players who would have ended up rich even without the Krono, because they know how to play the game effectively. Krono does a whole lot for the little guy, helping to level the playing field. Buy 10 Krono when they were 500 plat each? Congrats, you have 100,000 plat now. Not a bad return on investment for the little guy.

    I like True Box. I think it is just about perfect. Yeah it annoys me when I can't log my Druid in to port the two other accounts because my husband stole my second laptop, but the benefits it has had to the community are huge. It is a nice balance of boxing, without letting things get out of hand. And it's easy for DBG's. Really, True-box is about as good as it's going to get from a no-boxing perspective. DBG's ins't going to implement an IP restriction when Truebox solves 90% of the problem boxing caused for the community. Why would they? Why would they cause more problems to fix a problem they have already solved?

    I wrote this on my iPad, so go easy on the typing errors.
  17. Draekon Elder

    Farmers existed before krono, how did they? They sold platinum.
  18. Stewgottz Augur

    Of course people RMT'd before krono. My fault for derailing this thread about Truebox code onto Krono and RMT farming haha

  19. Galdous Augur

    Of course farmers exsist before krono. Krono is not leaving the game anytime soon and I would be foolish to even try to push for a server excluding krono from. What I would think would be an acceptable middle-ground would be to not allow krono that is spawned on the new server to be transferred off or vice versa. People who have hoarded hundreds of krono over the years pouring it into every new server is something that could easily be avoided.

    The problem is not with true boxing and those who follow the rules. It is about those who so easily circumvent the rules with third party apps that let them box as easy as live servers.
  20. Galdous Augur