What classes do you think today are underpowered?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fian, May 25, 2023.

  1. Micker99 Augur

    Berserkers need a big upgrade imho. Their DPS in groups suck. Maybe with the new fixed weapon ratios, they will start to shine?
  2. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Wizard, intelligence caster, doesn't read, makes comments like it's the writer's fault.

    Face it, of all classes, Clerics werre made pretty much redundant outside of raids.
    code-zero, Zaibis and Micker99 like this.
  3. Evertrek Augur

    clerics were nerfed and made useless by the addition of mercs years ago. we have all posted how the class is only a raid bot for years. most other games and lore make clerics much more, but EQ dropped the ball years ago. druids and pallys cried a few years after launch and we got nerfed, then they added mercs that were insistantly using level 2 spells and healed better due to good AI... we can't solo and until raid ready considered pity addition to a group.

    Fix the Cleric!
    Zaibis, Annastasya and Metanis like this.
  4. Metanis Bad Company

    Not going to happen GI.

    They've decided that rather than fixing balance issues they will just make it easier for you to play other classes entirely. (Personas)

    And besides, if they actually made clerics fun to play again, then the thousands of accounts created by us clerics to make workable teams would go unsubscribed. In my own experience more than 50% of currently active clerics are also dedicated boxers. The number is probably much higher.
  5. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    They were the only class not represented at the guild summit in 2003. Clerics are a just a really badly designed class, and neglected because they’re either a box or given to someone’s uninterested spouse.
  6. Micker99 Augur

    Wizards, clerics and warriors were too specific in their roles from the start. They were supposed to be the best at what they did, but nothing else. That's why they were so needed on raids, but not so great in groups. Those classes should have never been created. They were and are the reason it's so hard to balance this game. If you balance the game to the heal power of a cleric or tanking of a warrior, other healers and tanks wouldn't cut it. So you balance it so other classes can heal and tank and they bring a lot more to the table, so why use a cleric or warrior? Same with wizards, they used to have mana burn and huge nukes, but they got nerfed and other classes can out dps them, which is wrong, but it's due to balance.
    Marton and KushallaFV like this.
  7. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    lol Mercs get default rank II spells ;p
  8. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Paladin is the hybrid, but the cleric gets the weaker of the spell sets.

    discuss please?
    Zaibis likes this.
  9. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    They’re the same class. Divine, plate wearing, shield users that heal.
  10. Tallie Elder

    Not quite the same. Cleric dps is the only dps that makes Paladin dps look good!
    Annastasya, Metanis and Tuco like this.
  11. Tuco Augur

    Hot take: EQ would be better if they just deleted clerics and wizards
    Micker99 likes this.
  12. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    Inquisitors and Spell-blades. Just requires them to actually look at class design, and not neglect it for 7 years now.
  13. Szilent Augur

    Barton, Silvena and KushallaFV like this.
  14. Warpeace Augur

    Did you really say mercs heal better due to a good AI with a straight face? Or were you comparing them to really bad players?
    Silvena likes this.
  15. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Clerics are a very strong class, they just do not have the secondary skill set that Druids & Shaman were afforded.
    I liked D&D clerics that could do good melee damage (though the rules often made spells better & I was kinda annoyed by that), playing a Battle-Priest wading into hordes of undead bashing in skulls & blowing up the deaders with holy powers was fun, but in EQ they saved almost all that fun for Paladins.
    Clerics could use a massive DPS overhaul to make playing them more fun, only really feeling powerful while healing on raids means they are far too one-dimensional.
    Part of the problem is the healing required demands so much heavy spam of fast healing abilities, there's much less healing strategy involved & no real room for weaving in some damage.

    If I had my way Clerics could have "DPS Stances" where they can choose to boost their Spell damage or their melee damage so they can either fight from range or join in on the skull-bashing. But also some changes to healing requirements in raids so that the Clerics get to have some fun hurting things too.
    Emilari and Metanis like this.
  16. error Augur

    I'm of the opinion that all classes advertised as raid dps should, ideally, do roughly equivalent raid dps. There's no objective reason that a wizard should be "dps king". If we're going to talk utility (which shouldn't matter unless that utility is directly useful on typical raid encounters), plenty of classes have the same or less utility compared to wizards.
  17. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Cleric aura(s) should be combined and given the range and duration of Shaman aura. add in a fixed +heal amount to the aura as well so those bonuses can only be gotten by grouping with a real player cleric. Maybe use SPAs that don't stack with the new raid banners so raids don't need retuning and it's only a major gain for groups.
    Koveras likes this.
  18. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    OK, I'll bite. Name a class with less utility that a wizard.
  19. Micker99 Augur

    Berserker. At least a wizard can TP, several bind points and invis.
    Tuco likes this.
  20. Tuco Augur

    If you define utility as "value outside the primary roles of dps, tanking, healing, CC a character plays in a party", I'd feel comfortable with berserker, monk, cleric, and warrior. All of those have basically zero utility, with wizard and rogue being tied for "marginal" utility.
    Annastasya likes this.