What class would you play, and why?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by joefezz, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. joefezz New Member

    I think a new progression server always offers an interesting self discussion on what you would want to play. Some players like to stick to the old reliable class, they have played it for 15 years and will do it again because thats what they know and love. Others like to try something new, because they want a new experience while still playing through the nostalgic content, im curious, what will everyone play?

    On fippy i played a necromancer and loved it. High level of independence, large amount of utility for groups, FD is op, was just awesome. But this time through i think i want to play a monk, because while they are similar in some ways with FD and being completely op, monk will offer a new feel (never played a melee). At some point i will like make a shaman to box alongside him, though when that is depends on the amount of freetime i have and the difficulty of finding groups.
  2. Healiez Augur

    Raid geared warriors are just insane as far as tanking is concerned. MY brother and I each 3 box and did so on fippy last time. We loved to push our limits and see how far our little team of 6 could go. We took down some pretty tough targets but always seemed to be hindered by the tank, which was a group geared pally.
  3. syko187 Elder

    I normally play melee (monk and paladin mains back in the day, paladin on Fippy) but I'm tossing around SK, Necro, or Druid so far.

    I'll probably decide on the day of, or roll a die.
  4. Ultrazen Augur

    Currently trying to decide on single character, or boxing.

    Single character? Monk without question.

    1. feign death. Single best skill in the game in classic era ruleset. Necro is a strong contender here, but I just like the "I don't need anything" for a character starting from scratch. No money needed for spells is actually a pretty big deal when there is 0 plat in the shared bank.
    2. Gear. Doesn't need any. Can use fists to max level. The only melee class that isn't 100% gear dependent.

    If I add a box, it will be Druid for sure. Snares, Ports, Sow are all incredibly handy/needed in the old world. I don't think you could pay me to run anything else as a 2nd box for almost any main class.

    I leveled a monk solo when Kunark was released. Great character and was my main up through PoP. I've duod monk/druid a few times to fairly high level, in my opinion one of the best 2 boxes in the game.

    There are a lot of other things I would consider if travel wasn't so brutal in the old world.
  5. Vontod Augur

    I have been set on starting a druid for this TLP. I played a shaman/SK combo back in 05 before I quit. On Fippy, I tried a necro. I definitely agree that FD is a must have utility. I am between a SK, necro, or monk for the druid's partner in crime.

    The original plan was to do a druid/beastlord combo, but since we won''t have beastlords for a while, I need something to accompany me on dungeon crawls when I can't find a group.

    So, yeah. I've been playing around on live to see what I like between the three FD classes. I really enjoyed the necro's self sufficiency on Fippy, but I also do enjoy melee classes. I liked how a melee, while being much more gear dependent, they also feel more powerful when you DO get that gear. A new beefy sword has much more of an impact than a staff with some int on it. However, without a slower, I'm not so sure how my druid will handle healing a SK or monk.

    Day 1 dice roll.
  6. Nolrog Augur

    I am very undecided about playing on a new TLP at this time.

    However, I do try to play something completely different than I played previously. On Combine I had an SK, on Vulak a Shaman, when I moved to Fippy, I created a wizard. Maybe necro or monk or something (monk with shaman box?) I'll see when it comes out and how far we've gotten into Fippy. I'm enjoying the later content we are getting to right now.
  7. Mezrah Augur


    I played a raiding cleric when EQ launched, then went boxed monk / shaman when I changed jobs and became more casual. When Fippy launched I played a monk and then boxed monk / shaman towards end of classic and through Kunark into Velious. With the changes to monk damage that impacted the TLP servers, Monks once again felt like the least gear dependent class in the classic era.

    I am still contemplating what primary class I will play, but whatever it is, I will be having a Shaman as the boxed char, given the sheer number of out of era Alchemy recipes that were available last time around, Alchemy is simply too good to miss out on.
  8. Oberon Augur

    It's very difficult for me to resist being an enchanter at the start of any of these server. No experience is like it in any other game
  9. Healiez Augur

    yah, charm is just so beyond overpowered through PoP
  10. tigersnack Journeyman

    Bard ..........and I have never boxed....
    Sulle likes this.
  11. Vontod Augur

    Bards are a class that I've always tried, but never stuck with. I had a lv 30ish bard on live in 05, and started one on Fippy as my first toon. I believe he only made it in the 30s range also. I remember getting my first charm spell, thinking all mobs would fall before my awesomeness, and probably doing it wrong because it seemed lack luster.

    Maybe I'll give it another go on the new TLP. IIRC, people love them in groups and they can solo a bit when a group can't be found, correct?
  12. Ultrazen Augur

    I love bards, if I had to call one of my characters my "main" it would be my bard. That being said, bards are fairly lackluster until 63 and fade and bellow IMO. Pre-AA, songs don't work on pets, which is a real bummer. They are still a fun class to play, and certainly viable in groups etc, there is just such a huge jump in what they can do once you hit AA levels.

    I was pretty convinced I was going to either box or main a bard, but the gear issues really concern me for a first character. I'm sure I'll roll one at some point in the progression chain, as they are really a fun class. If songs worked on pets out of the gate, I'd 3 man bard/mage/druid and never look back.
  13. Ultrazen Augur

    It is really really hard not to roll a chanter when there is so much actual grouping with humans going on. A chanter in classic is just such a great character...hmmmmmm. That may derail my monk/druid idea lol.
  14. Healiez Augur

    A good chanter is a great character...

    Enchanters and Bards are probably the most notable classes that there is really no middle ground on.
    They are either great or meh. They set the pace the group can kill at. If I had a dollar for every crappy chanter/bard I grouped with and 20 dollars for every good chanter/bard I grouped with; guess which one would make me more money??
    Crayon123 likes this.
  15. Crayon123 Augur

    I've always enjoyed playing bard/enchanter throughout the years because I feel like I make a huge impact on the pace at which my group can kill at. I do a really good job at both roles so I always get lots of compliments. In general, I feel like those 2 classes can stand out the most beyond anything else and make people add you to their friends list and send you tells over and over again for groups.

    That said, I'm going Cleric this time around. I need something new that won't give me more gray hairs than I already have. I'm not sure I can stomach another 1000 idiots breaking my mezzes with necro dots and not assisting the tank. *cringe*
  16. Dandy Augur

    I also played a Necro on Fippy and have decided to roll a Monk on the next server! :)

    Years ago I played a monk briefly and found pulling in groups to be very satisfying. The thought of pulling for a raid sounds intimidating. I bet it would be quite a rush!
  17. Veyreth New Member

    I'm considering playing a Cleric since I never played one... always found it too boring to try but as I get older it looks more and more appealing :rolleyes:
  18. Kortho23 New Member

    Well, I've played Ranger War Zerker I think I'll play SK and how do they do end game? Raids etc it's been so long I for got.
  19. Healiez Augur

    I found clerics pretty bland at first but they start getting really interesting after the death of the CH rotation... Vow of XXXXX, Blood of XXXXX, Ward of XXXXX and the promised line make them amazing soloers. Only Shadowknights swarming could out AA my cleric
  20. Crayon123 Augur

    SK's are excellent. You won't be main tanking raids as one, but they are great tanks and can swarm later on to powerlevel or otherwise. A lot of people play them as they are a great class, I highly recommend it.. even though for me tanking is not my personal cup of tea.