What class will you be?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Juicepolice, May 16, 2015.

  1. MBear Augur

    That is fun! My two year old was killing mobs and training n00bs for an hour or so without any help on a level 2 Ranger outside of sure fall glade the other night. It's funny because he has auto attack and movement down but he always chooses to turn left when running around. So if he wants to go right, he turns left in a circle until he gets the direction that he wants then runs to the mob and attacks it. He had a lot of death since he doesn't know about red cons!
  2. Sctt033 Elder

    I cant decide between shaman or enchanter....which do you guys think will get me groups more
  3. Lejaun Augur

    Shaman for 1-40. Stat buffs plus healing ability is huge. The only problem you'll face is that more people will play them.

    Enchanter maybe takes over in classic from 40-50 as they are usually seen as haste / crowd control / (mana later on). They'll be really wanted once clarity hits the scene, as well as once people start hitting dungeons and want crowd control.
  4. Manian Vineheart Lorekeeper

    Was a Druid on live, went Wizard on P99. Really leaning towards being a Druid again, I just love the class. Shaman and Enchanter seem to be a really popular choice but I was thinking if not Druid one of those or a tank.
  5. SyDiko Augur

    I think both are equally desirable in groups for expansions to come. Shaman have the advantage early, but as stated above, once Clarity hits the scene Enchanters close the distance.

    However, statistically speaking, you may find it difficult to find a group early because of class saturation. I'm going to take a guess that into the mid-levels for Classic, the class played percentage for both will drop off significantly as people re-roll into other 'easier' classes.
  6. Tons Journeyman

    Ogre warrior for me. Troll shammy for the wife
  7. Potsos76 Augur

    After much consideration, I'm going to stick with boxing Druid and Chanter to use as mains and box a Mage when soloing, because it just seems like you're gimping yourself without having one at the ready on this server.