What class are you picking and why?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by OliverQ, May 27, 2020.

  1. Darkoon Journeyman

    If I can ever log in, will probably go Half elf Cleric.
    I want to be popular and pretty LOL
  2. Jinlo New Member

    Human ranger. Gotta go with Karana - want to be able to murder PoGrowth and not worry about the conflicting religious issues.

    Never done a ranger main before, so it's something different.
  3. Shylock New Member


    Bard, because I love the class in groups, Monk because I want to DPS in raids. The downside is it lacks the power of Monk/Shaman, and I will always have to be the puller.
  4. Viersa Journeyman

    Playing a cleric first. Making all the money and then twinking out a rogue and then maining the rogue from then out.
  5. OliverQ Elder

    You mean High Elf? Half Elves can't be clerics.
  6. Chuuk Augur

    It's not - Bard DOTs do not affect mobs that move anymore - err - circa like 2005.