What can we do about griefers on Phinigel?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by nestharus, Jul 3, 2016.

  1. Coach_Kegadin Augur

    PVP would solve this problem!
  2. Kahna Augur

    You assume a trainer cares if they die. Heck by PvP killing them you would be doing them the favor of avoiding an XP death.
  3. Punchis-themonk Elder

    Trains are just part of EQ... You might as well accept that.
  4. Kutsuu Augur

    Shadowplay and Fraps can be used similarly to how you would a dashcam in a car. Both have settings to enable constant video recording of the last X minutes (your choice, I set mine to 10 mins) that only saves when you press a hotkey. Can be very useful in cases where the people move on quickly to avoid a CSR catching them in the act.
    Draekony and Baka like this.
  5. Coach_Kegadin Augur

    There are many ways to stop a player from griefing/training you if you can directly interact with them. The problem we are trying to solve is how to stop people from griefing your group right? PVP is the answer.
  6. Kahna Augur

    Pvp also adds significantly more ways for a person to grief your group. I played on SZ. The idea that there is less griefing on a PvP server is laughable. Not to mention it is hardly a viable option for individuals on Phinny, which is the topic of this thread. Unless you are suggesting that DBG turn Phinny into a PvP server tomorrow.

    At this point I kind of hope they do try a PvP server so it can fail and we can stop seeing it pop up all the time.
  7. Eangel Elder

    Played on SZ as well, on the good side no less. PVP gives you a means to deal with trainers as you can stop that individual before he/she gets to the group via different means other than . Not saying Phinny should be a PVP server, but honestly all TLP servers are indirect pvp with their DPS race mechanics/training/griefing. DBG apparently decided it was easier to allow the "out of sight, out of mind" tactic unfortunately. This is the new current reality, might be time to get creative.
    So much hate for the PVP server idea still...who cares about what other people find fun as long as you guys have your TLP dreams, I guess?
  8. Tomtee Lorekeeper

    Taking away the ability for others to aggro after a FD dump removes an essential part of pulling for raids. Mobs get to camp "split" by monks working together swapping aggro.
  9. Kahna Augur

    The thing is, people who make posts complaining about the griefers would never play on a pvp server. They just want to settle down to a quiet night of killing some exp mobs. PvP is the exact opposite of that. You still have to deal with obnoxious people who want to ruin your exp. Probably more than one individual who wants to ruin your exp. They are looking for a solution that doesn't involve dealing with obnoxious people. Frapsing and reporting is the best bet.
  10. notabard New Member

    While I'm sure these guys are just arsehats... you don't get trained for zero reason, usually puller starts tagging mobs he's not supposed to and thats how fueds start.
  11. Draekony Lorekeeper

    echo of sebilis.
  12. Aghinem Augur

    If I were a developer for EQ, I would implement a anti-training / anti-kiting mechanic to prevent this from happening which would occur if a certain # of mobs are detected. Specifically; FD failing, run speed beginning to reduce, and the 'trainer' being flagged where only 0% rez will work.
  13. AgentofChange Augur

    Congrats on making it impossible to pull or aoe.

    People use good things for bad all the time it doesn't mean the entire design needs to change. You guys are getting up in arms over something that very rarely occurs on this server.
  14. Aghinem Augur

    What do you mean *you guys*? I don't even play on TLP anymore. I just watch these boards for pure entertainment at this point while trying to offer up some ideas. For the most part, when I see any TLP complaint post - I see this...

  15. AgentofChange Augur

    I mean you guys
  16. Draekony Lorekeeper

    welp you pay a sub to come troll the TLP forums =P
  17. Corydon Augur

    In case you are running Windows 10, it has a built-in game recorder. It's called Game DVR and to access it just press WinKey+G.
  18. Billary New Member

    Well all know A what the unnamed guild is O and in my xp with them we them AEing thru Seb , S they said get Out of the way or die. In a raid point of view another guild i was with legit pulled Statue in Kael FIRST they didnt like that so since they had the numbers STOLE the kill from CC. The unnamed guild is garbage , wow Rejects.
  19. AgentofChange Augur

    Pulling a mob first does not give you rights to it. These were the rules when Ragefire initially launched over a year ago and they remain the same today.
  20. Billary New Member

    we know your guild now
  21. Purelogic Lorekeeper

    It happens during double exp mainly because these guys are trying to powerlevel for profit and have deadlines to make, so they could care less about the other people trying to level.