What are those must do anniversaries?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vumad, Mar 20, 2022.

  1. Vumad Cape Wearer

    PS. Proper prep for the overseer is 8 mobs. A single player can go open the chest, but opening the chest will break invis, so be prepared to run and fade, or go kill those 3 mobs. The invis break wasn't a problem but not having my pet on ghold was since it blew my mage fade/invis. Whoops.
  2. Flatchy Court Jester

    I just 4 boxed this mission yest. I kill all the first mobs in the room the first chest pops. Then head down to the room with the chest that holds the first piece of the bonus loot. Do those kills then moved everyone to Overseer room. Go down that ramp and on the right wall right after the first doorway there is a ditch. Get down in that. I pulled all the mobs singly with my sk to the ditch. After the area around that boulder was clear I just drug the overseer over to my lil ditch group. The overseer called for help twice and so I had 2 adds to deal with for the entire fight. I only had my 4 characters and a healer merc. There was another character along that did absolutely nothing but loot. I hate this mission to mobs are light blue but have way way to many HP. I can kill a yellow con in the new exp faster than these mobs .