Warrior's Defensive Proficiency Buff?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by VorgeVephyrson, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. VorgeVephyrson New Member

    Returning after a break to my 100 WAR and I remembered getting a 30% off melee hits buff just by selecting Defensive Stance. Now I no longer have that buff and furthermore the button keys I made for the stances are grayed out and do nothing.

    What has changed or how do I get my defensive proficiency buff back?
  2. moogs Augur

    I just logged in my 93 warrior yesterday and discovered this.

    If you want Defensive stance, equip a sword and shield. Then go to the Archetype tab in the AA window and create a hotbutton for Weapon Stances: Disabled and put it on a hotbar.

    Click it and it will change in the AA window to say Weapon Stances: Enabled and you will have a new buff called Defensive Proficiency 1: Permanent.

    If you change weapons with your bandolier it will automatically change the buff to Dual Wielding or whatever.
    VorgeVephyrson likes this.
  3. Cactuszach Elder

    The weapon stances are automatic now based on the weapon loadout you equip. Sword/board for defensive, 2hander for 2hand, and dual wield for dual.
    VorgeVephyrson likes this.
  4. Bamkan Augur

    Check your Weapon Stances AA. You need to have Weapon Stances (Enabled) for it to come on.

    The stances are now automatically applied when you have Sword/Board, 2Hnder and Duel wield.
    VorgeVephyrson likes this.
  5. VorgeVephyrson New Member

    Excellent thank you for your replies.