Warrior, Berserker, & .....

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by scrumtrelesent, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. scrumtrelesent New Member

    my friends and I have started back up, they have a warrior and berserker, what class would best compliment that group?
  2. jimmywolf New Member

    shaman is best overall as it give heals,dots,buffs if you want try something different can just check random forums for idea what each class does an what you mit want to do mercs help cover dps an heals if no one want to player a healer
    moogs likes this.
  3. Ultrazen Augur

    Bard would be a great choice....you need a puller in that group for one thing, so really bard, monk, or ranger would all fit well. If you want a healer type, I'd actually go druid for the ports, evacs, and attack debuffs. Druid could also harmony pull which would solve your puller problem.

    Bards are awesome, I main a bard on my 3 box team, and it's really hard to play on a team without one now. They just make so many things so much easier. Haste, slows, regens, pulls, fast invis travel through zones, mez, huge DPS increase for the group....really hard to beat.
    moogs likes this.
  4. Phrett Augur

    Shaman if you want to have an actual healer...

    Bard if you're content just using healer mercs...
    Obiziana likes this.