Warning: Character Deletion Bug

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Chest_Rockwell, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. Bobalob New Member

    Great news! Looks like the Dev's were able to replicate the code error and have restored the character. Thanks to those who put in effort to make this right and to Jchan and others for stepping up to the plate!
  2. Havanap Elder

    Hey nice, they found the bug and fixed it. I guess Aghinem didn't consider that case when doing his testing.
    This reminds me of another similar bug that was fixed ages ago, hold an item on cursor, click delete to display the confirmation dialog, accidentally switch the item for another item, and then press YES. The switched-to item got deleted. Cost me a pair of jboots when those mattered.
    I would suggest that Daybreak revisit all similar confirmation dialogs and check those for similar problems.