(Vaniki) Suggestion for Raiders LFG

Discussion in 'TLP Guild Recruitment' started by Vicus, Jun 5, 2022.

  1. Vicus Augur

    I do the bulk of the recruiting for Rusty Willsapper, one of a few guilds that raid on the server. We have been full on all classes for the last week or so. This upcoming week I expect to have a few position open up but in the last 4 days alone I have received 30+ tells from people interested in joining. Raids currently can hold 72 people, but in 12-16 weeks the majority of the guilds on the server will have to make their raids fit 54 people. We can't just load up and have a bunch of people sitting out.

    So my suggestion is....someone else MAKE A RAIDING GUILD. There is plenty of population on the server to support it. Heck if you make a raiding guild and give me a point of contact, I will send you anyone we can't take due to pure numbers. The more guilds on the server, the better it is for the server. The achievements are going to be great for your accounts long term if you save them. Also when you can three box on one PC in 9 weeks, will be even easier to fill the raid. Someone step up and lead another raiding guild on Vaniki.

    Also if you are a guild that is raiding on the server, post your info on here with your raid times. If I talk to someone who can't make our hours or the class they want is full, I can suggest them to you. It is better that someone looking to raid finds a home then gives up and leaves the server.

    Just post a simple format like the following:
    Rusty Willsapper
    Loot is a closed bid DKP system

    Raid days are as follows:
    Mondays - 5:30pm to 8:30pm PST
    Tuesdays - 5:30pm to 8:30pm PST
    Thursdays - 5:30pm to 8:30pm PST

    If interested please use the discord link and drop in for a chat and message Vicus for more information.
  2. HekkHekkHekk Augur

    No one's playing on this goofy server