[Vaniki] Amorphous Velazul's armor doesn't attune

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by SteamFox, Mar 15, 2024.

  1. SteamFox Augur

    Purchasing Amorphous Velazul's armor from the raid merchant in The Overthere, the armor has a required level of 70 and a required level of 60 to click for the attunement. Upon attuning on a lvl 94 the reward window pops up and only allows you to select the non useable item as reward.
    Yinla likes this.
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    Are you right clicking or clicking the pink link? If you are clicking the pink link that is the reward preview window.

    Even if it lets you click it, the armor isn't usable til 105, there's probably a minimum level to show the reward option which you will see 2 options to choose from when you are 105.
  3. SteamFox Augur

    Right clicking. Vaniki has no (mostly) required levels, only recommended.
  4. Gialana Augur

  5. Soulbanshee Augur

  6. SteamFox Augur

    Which probably makes sense. However the group gear shows 95 to attune whereas that raid piece shows 60. So something is squirrely. I'll post back once I level up and confirm if 95 is the goal.

  7. SteamFox Augur

    At Lvl 95 the gear was properly able to be attuned and turned into class specific gear.
    Yinla and Ravanta Suffer like this.