Usable gear and personas

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Winnowyl, Jan 10, 2024.

  1. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    With the introduction of personas, it seems that all gear is 'green', because it can be used by a persona class.

    That color coding was put in to make it easy to see at a glance if your class can use it or not. Now it's useless.

    This makes me sad. Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere that will make it go back to just showing me green for what my rogue can use? I have no interest the warrior only weapon now showing up as useable to my rogue. =(
    Yinla likes this.
  2. Captain Video Augur

    I believe this is fixed in the patch now on Test, which will go live next week.
    Winnowyl likes this.
  3. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    I read that (after I had posted this, of course) and I certainly hope that's what the fix is.