Uqua - Barxt fight

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by mackal, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. mackal Augur

    So I was mainly wondering about how the 12 adds work. If you watch The Faceless Order video of the fight, when they should spawn you'll notice they say "oh that's a common bug that they don't spawn" or something. I was wondering if anyone has spent time to try to figure out if it's maybe not a bug and is controlled by not failing one of the timers maybe?

    I guess I'll have to figure it out over the next like 15 days or something unless others have :p (which is why I'm asking)
  2. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    What happens in 15 days?
  3. mackal Augur

    There is like a 5 day lock out ... gotta do it a few times to test :p
  4. roguerunner Augur

    the 12 adds just slowly sacrifice themselves to power him up the longer you take during the fight if memory serves me right