Unusually good FV/free-trade twink items?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by HoodenShuklak, Mar 18, 2022.

  1. HoodenShuklak Augur

    It goes without saying that FV loot servers are a newbs paradise... and there are some really awesome items, and I'd like to get a list of sorts going here for posterity.

    Off the top of my head there is...
    mace of the ancients - level 1 proc and OP twink weapon
    cloak of icy shadows - perma ds clickable at level 1
    Twilight shroud - super op clickable level 1 FT
    Other level 1 clicks such as the druid dot bracer and regen bp, wizard nuke (albeit super slow cast)

    What are some others?
  2. Boogatti Lorekeeper

    Dagarn's Tail
  3. Triconix Augur

    Stone Etched Mallet
    Fabled Mana Robe
    Fabled Shield of the Water Dragon
    Spiritlight Earring
    Jade hoop of speed
    Choker of Centaur Slaying
    Cord of Invigoration
    Ring of Farsight

    Many random DODH mission reward items

    Essentially any item with no lvl rec/req from TOV and Seru.
  4. looffy Journeyman

    honed wurmslayer
    skull of null
    assistant researchers symbol
    red dragon tooth
  5. ForumBoss Augur

    Correction, -stone etched mallet is no trade, but a level 1 can be piggied into open world to loot.

    +diamond-tipped war javelin
    +malgrinnor captains shortsword
  6. Z3R0 New Member

    For visible slot armor, best lvl1 twink stuff stat-wise is planar ornate stuff iirc.
  7. ForumBoss Augur

    That's an easy way to get a solid twink set up, but if you are going for full best in slot, velious and luclin will have a couple upgrades. Yttrium bp, greaves of the deep sea, helmet rallos zek, Hobarts helm, etc.
  8. Stagentti Augur

    Honed Wurmslayer.

    You literally don't need a single piece of armor to get into the 90s if you get any sort of lvl DS buff from pots or druid/mage.
  9. Mrjon3s Augur

    Why is honed wurmslayer good? I looked it up and it says it has a required lvl 105.
  10. Stagentti Augur

    You don't need to be lvl 105 to get the damage reduction buff it provides. And that is higher than anything will hit you for, so you'll take 0 damage.

    Just get a DS, pull as many as you can, and do 1 damage to each.

    If you're below 105 when it is equipped you'll just hit mobs using hand to hand even when holding it.
  11. Phati Elder

    Clerics level 1 group heal clickies.

    Greaves of Stability
    Greaves of Forbidden Rites
    Akkirus' Greaves of the Risen
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