Unjustified suspension

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Matt L, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Just so you know, I just went to Frontier Mountains, that group afk mage pet killing is NOT out of the zone, he is still afk playing. The GM's did NOTHING!

  2. KermittheFroglok Augur

    I disagree that "GM DO NOTHING". Last weekend I saw an AFK mage farming plat from Ice Giants in Everfrost, I reported it with 2 screenshots, each taken 7 minutes apart, of the player not responding to tells from me with the <AFK> status over their head. Received a response within 20 minutes and the player was gone when I checked back. So similar to the op, it seems like the GM's are taking care of this quickly.

    I noticed the thread where you somehow accidentally deleted your character. That type of mistake leads me to suspect you might not be submitting your tickets correcter. Here are some helpful tips for reporting violations.

    1) Do not just use /Report, it only helps if someone is saying something against TOS like threats. Even if you use /Report you should submit a ticket since its rumored the GMs only look at /Report now if there's an accompanying ticket.

    2) Submit a ticket through https://help.daybreakgames.com/hc/en-us/categories/204220948-EVERQUEST,

    3) Be brief but clear in your description. Reference the server, zone (and instance if applicable), character names of parties (check spelling), and two or three SHORT sentences or what's wrong.

    4) Attach screenshots &/or video clips of the violation. Attaching solid support seems to get your ticket prioritized because the GM is more sure they'll find something actionable. They aren't going to login & zone somewhere if you're vague or could be mistaking a boxer for a botter.

    5) To add to #4, i you're worried about someone just abusing AFK mechanics in AFK play (e.g. pet class or tank merc), screenshots will probably be enough. If you suspect botting, you probably should provide a good 15-30 minutes of footage so they can actually see a pattern between spawn cycles.

    I hope that helps!
    code-zero and Skuz like this.
  3. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Yeah, well that player is still afk playing in Frontier Mountains right now, (I logged in here to say that).

    #2 I have petitioned it.

    Three days I had my petition submitted.

    I HAVE DOZENS of support tickets on this exact topic. Players still afk play.

    So to the OP yeah I would be extremely bent if I was looking up a spell I just found out I'm missing, miss a GM tell and get banned for afking.

    EDIT: To Chen.
    WHEN are you going to take control of the game for us, we would appreciate that :)

    I'm watching this afk group as we speak updating the petition ticket with /time /location and screenshots on ever kill showing no players interaction with any casts or movement.

    I'll get back to you on the result.

    Should I youtube it next :D
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Who is Chen?
  5. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    um Jchen? the head lady now.
  6. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Yinla likes this.
  7. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Big oops on me. I get it now.
    Yinla likes this.
  8. smash Augur

    Maybe add some extra thing into the game, which people shall respond to, it will be activated if dbg suspect people afk killing.

    Give people 2 chances to respond, then if they fail, they 7 days banned, next time 14 days ban, after that 1 month ban.

    This within 3 months, after 3 months, person is reset.
  9. code-zero Augur

    They already have that, or have you not seen the people complaining about the fact that they have to pay attention to /say and /tell?
    I suspect your request is motivated not by a desire to eliminate botters but rather to be able to write your own script to evade the very tool that you propose
  10. smash Augur

    Actually I want DBG to use a popup like when you log in, so you cannot use a script to solve it, but need to respond to solve it.

    So like you need to click pictures of cars, and such things
  11. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Matt L
    What was the answer to the question why you were suspended.
    You should have been unsuspended by now, and done your petition with that account to get the official word.