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Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iniari-TR, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. iniari-TR Augur

    I have no real problem with the nerf to xp in previous content , IF there is a bonus to xp in the most current content - which appears to be non-existent. at the moment.

    nor do i have an issue with the HA timer lockouts, players can find other things do to rather then chaining a single HA. - though a reduction in the timer would be helpful.

    i am glad that the issue with Fiona vie ( raid npc ) was addressed. thankyou.

    may main problem is with the merc nerf.. the frequent spikes in hit damage are just too much.
    i was in bixie HA , 3 blue con mobs agro'd and healer merc was dead even before it could heal itself of i could pull mobs off.
    while some of this problem is mitigated by having a lot of buffs on the merc , which is your intention, most players don't want to spend 30 min trying to buff a merc, they want to self buff , pop merc , and molo. i'd rather have a merc that was playable "as is " then having to depend on other players to make it efficient.
    of course being grouped with real players is optimal , the playstyle today is what it is. -- people log in , pop a merc / pet / box , and do some tasks. we cant sit at the computer all day, grinding out tasks and running all over the world like we did when we were 15.
  2. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    Exactly how I feel, aside from a raid night I'm lucky if I can get 4 hours a week (non consecutive) to play and I feel like I can get little done between mercs wonderful pathing into mobs and my pets inability to tank if I god forbid get an add, I use all of my pet defensive abilities every time they are up on trash mobs and I still get no where
  3. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    This reflects my sentiment on a few of the changes coinciding with the expansion. The changes to mercs now make them more reliant on buffs - which kind of defeats the purpose of using mercs. Mercs were supposed to enable players to consume content that required more players than are available. These changes relegated mercs to requiring input from players.

    I liked the old setup better.