Fixed Internally Umbral Plains (SoL) triggered raid targets not spawning in DZs

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Trebla7th, Jan 23, 2022.

  1. Ironfist337 New Member

    Everyone please Like the initial report post at the top to upvote this and hopefully get a fix.
    Joules_Bianchi and Herf like this.
  2. Shaolin New Member

    Jesus Christ, just fix this already!
    Joules_Bianchi and Herf like this.
  3. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    This has been an issue for a year on regular UP zone and has been reported and reported and reported, confirmed and not fixed?

    Tawro Icequake, Doomshade, Radiir Fireshower triggered spawns have been meaningless for a YEAR NOW and devs ignore it. There are literally dozens of posts on this, but this silly upvote or it's not a bug mechanic they use is shirking responsibility.

    Someone posts, gets a bunch of likes, it gets 'Confirmed" then ignored, a month or two later another and another and another...

    FIX THIS maybe?
    spaceice303, Stymie and Herf like this.
  4. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    itzagame_m8s and spaceice303 like this.
  5. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    This. so much this.
    itzagame_m8s, spaceice303 and Herf like this.
  6. BrutusMax New Member

    Confirmed still not working as intended 12-12-2022 following the new expansion release and monthly patch.
  7. Herf Augur

    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  8. Okial Augur

    Can we atleast have the broken mobs removed from the Conqueror achievement since this isn't getting fixed?....
  9. Cloakdaggerfv New Member

    I just got to this part of the achievements and This is a huge let down omg
    Herf likes this.
  10. Herf Augur

    Heck no. FIX IT. I mean, HOW TOUGH CAN IT BE????
    itzagame_m8s and Joules_Bianchi like this.
  11. Dre. Altoholic

    Still busted!
  12. Herf Augur

    Grrrrrrr :( This continues to suck massively.
    itzagame_m8s likes this.
  13. Dre. Altoholic

    Still broken after patch.
  14. Herf Augur

    This is for the original Umbral Planes. Doomshade, triggered by killing dark masters in a fast amount of time, is not spawning. Other triggered nameds in Umbral also not spawnning.

    Rumblecrush and Zelnightak are timed spawns and they DO spawn, but we need Doomshade and the others as they drop nice stuff in era, and for twinks.
    Knifen, Fellfoe, Svann2 and 1 other person like this.
  15. Soulbanshee Augur

  16. Herf Augur

  17. Okial Augur

    Has this been resolved yet? Also, what is the threshold for "likes" to have it be prioritized..? Can we negotiate with a lower amount of likes to just remove the non-spawning mobs from the achievement?....
  18. Brickhaus Augur

    The likes number is a completely arbitrary thing. You see threads with dev responses same day (that are not game breaking) on threads with zero likes.

    It's their world. Whatever they consider priority ... is.
  19. Herf Augur

  20. Okial Augur

    That's... disappointing.