UI - way to remove key name from hotbutton?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Xanathol, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. Xanathol Augur

    Is there a way to not have the currently mapped key shown in a hot button?

    I like small buttons and I map key combinations to different pages of hot buttons, for example Control + 1 is page 2, button 1. Since my UI uses small buttons, the 'Ctrl 1' that is shown on the button gets in the way of the name of what is mapped there, making it hard to see.

    Any ideas how to do this?
  2. Brudal Augur

    right click the bar, uncheck show key map
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Xanathol like this.
  3. Xanathol Augur

    OMG you have no idea how long I was digging through schemas and such trying to find a property... and to think, it was right there all along... thanks man!

    Boy is my face red...