UI Praises and a gripe.

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Jaby, May 30, 2015.

  1. Jaby New Member

    Returning player from waaay back here. The UI is *vastly* improved from what I recall from waay back. Nice job, whoever!

    I love the r-drag and l-drag with the mouse. I don't recal being able to control the camera and movement that way in the past. I do, however, have a gripe, although this may be operator error on my part.

    On mouse-up after dragging, I sometimes end up either targetting something, or looting something on the ground. Now, after dragging the mouse around, I have *never* wanted to invoke that "loot a random nearby corpse" operation. Am I doing something wrong, or is that just how it works?

  2. moogs Augur

    You could be accidentally right-clicking on - or near - a corpse as you begin your mouse look maneuver.
  3. Potsos76 Augur

    You are most likely doing the same thing I do: For instance, you're sitting to med and someone pulls a mob on top of you, so you W to move forward and mouse steer (right mouse) to turn your character one way or the other. In doing so, you accidentally click the ground near a corpse and loot it. This is annoying as hell because 1) You didn't want to loot and 2) It stops you in your tracks. It's all the result of mouseturning with right click. The solution is to carefully click higher up on the screen with right click before turning or to simply use A/D to turn. Neither are satisfactory for me, so I usually just deal with the accidental looting.
  4. Ferry-Tunare Augur

    Does /hidecorpse always work on the progression server?
  5. moogs Augur

    It ought to.

    I use /advloot - the loot comes to me, and there are no corpses remaining to accidentally click on.
  6. Potsos76 Augur

    Works 100% of the time for me. I use /hidecorpse all because I want to see the newest ones in case I missed something. Also like to use it as a barometer of how quickly/efficiently the group is killing.