Truebox Box Limit?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by oldkracow, Feb 26, 2019.

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  1. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Perhaps it's time to just adjust the rule-set in your FAQ to state that boxing beyond 6 guys is not permitted and will result in a ban.

    I've got a gut feeling the amount of 6+ boxing is going to see a nice up-tick just doing some random searches online / forums.
    Gorgol the Ogre likes this.
  2. Liquidmorphh New Member

    Nothing has changed. These methods have been used on past true box servers and yes it will continue to gain more popularity as DBG ignores it and continues to release more true box servers.
  3. Machentoo Augur

    If they didn't want people to 12 box on Selos/Mangler, they should have given us a box friendly server.
    code-zero likes this.
  4. Strawberry Augur

    now I'm having seconds thoughts if we will even play

    I remembered the amount of total crap we had to go through due to boxers claiming camps so they could loot stuff and keep their little krono business going

    don't get me wrong, I like EQ as a game, but it always seems to end up with me quitting out of frustration because some training ****hole ruins my day so you start to wonder if it will be like that on every TLP, and I am scared it will be exactly like that on these new TLP too
    andross77 likes this.
  5. Gremin Augur

    I have never understood this train of thought? I have had and always will have more issue with players playing one toon then boxes. You get going in a zone and doing well then some group of people walk in and want something so they plop down and thats it. This game can be ruined by anyone and anytime. If you are that sensitive maybe you dont belong on MMOs in general.
    Dythan likes this.
  6. Kittany Augur

    Fix't for you. The logic is about the same :p
    ch0rny likes this.
  7. Nessirfiti Augur

    Oh, good lord, another anti-boxing thread, are the 36 other anti-boxing threads not good enough? Did we really need another one?
    code-zero likes this.
  8. Hateseeker Augur

    Is this a reference to people successfully using third party programs that aren't supposed to be allowed on truebox?
  9. a_librarian Augur

    Yes, the main automation program has been adapted to work on truebox and is openly being sold out there with very little effort required to find. There will likely be more bot armies on Mangler than any TLP to date, even with the focus effect removal. There is serious money to be made farming raw plat and tradeskill mats on new servers
  10. kjempff Elder

    Ah you know, the word of the only true religion must be preached.
    Must fight the evil boxer witches who are ALL here to ruin the game for the virtuous. Once done being holy forum warriors here, you shall return to your pixel starved existence on p1999, knowing you have saved many innocents. Those seeking maximum enlightenment can go and try to influence Pantomimeon so our other narrow views can live on there.
    Don't hesitate to make up stories and ignore facts, because you work for the good side and all shall be forgiven.
  11. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    As someone who boxes on true-box, I doubt I'm anti boxer.

    I'm more like anti 6+ boxing for the only real reason to box beyond 6 is usually to annoy other people, lock down content across multiple picks, or to PL toons for sale with a larger team.

    I'm sure there are a few 7 to 40 boxers that just want to raid content, but that is wicked rare and most people at this point boxing beyond 6 are using automated software to manage those characters.
    andross77 and Gorgol the Ogre like this.
  12. Kittany Augur

    Mostly I was just poking fun at Machentoo. I've voiced my opinions on how a no truebox server would go. But his post seemed rather ripe for picking apart the fallacy lol
  13. Nessirfiti Augur

    And yet you felt the need to make another post about it. and then reply with totally baseless claims about people only boxing certain numbers to annoy people or lock down content, and using third party programs. If you're not anti-boxing why exactly make another thread for the anti-boxers to feed on?

    Ah, yes the immortal Boomer joke of "Lol tide pods" Good on you, you made a ..... Funny? I guess.
  14. Morthakia Augur

    I would love to six box on Mangler or Selo’s (or any other fresh start TLP server).

    Anything more than 6-boxing is ridiculous in my opinion. Too much going on, too much to manage, and 99% of content in EQ is designed around 1-6 players. This is particularly true when missions start introducing 6 player limits!
  15. Machentoo Augur

    Not at all the same. Boxing is not against the rules, and it also won't kill you.
  16. Doze Augur

    Heh, are you saying that you are going to TrueBox 12 chars just out of spite that they didn't make Mangler/Selos boxfriendly? That doesn't even make sense.
  17. Machentoo Augur

    No. But, there are people who do 12 box under the truebox rules. Most of them would probably go to a non-truebox server with aoc's, if one were to be made available. Since most of the anti-boxers are opposed to such a server, I guess they will just have to suffer the 12-boxers playing on their truebox servers.
  18. cloakerjum New Member

    This is complete bull s h i t.
    I challenge you to send me a link to a version that has been “adapted” and now sold somewhere.
    I work very hard to prevent people from bypassing the truebox restriction in m q 2 so if you really want to help you will send me a link so i can fix it, instead of spreading false rumors here.

    M q 2 will never work on truebox servers.
    Now there will be people posting below claiming “yes there are adapted” or “hacked” versions out there, put up or shut up and pm me a link or it’s all nonsense.
    You can send it to
    Barton and Accipiter like this.
  19. a_librarian Augur

    I'm sorry people have modified and used your botting program in a way you dislike. You can throw a tantrum about it but it's the reality, sorry
    Akiron likes this.
  20. cloakerjum New Member

    My point is noone has. Send me a link liar.
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