Trophy of the Seafare

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Orbital101, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. Orbital101 Augur

    The trophy look nice, the benefits description aswell but any reason why we actually not geting the benefits using it ? I removed all the benefits and only kept the trophy of the seafare and my stats stay the same... No extra HP,AC or heroic. For those using it... you all might want to use somethingelse instead!
  2. Romance Augur

    It's a known bug
    Stubar likes this.
  3. Shiea Augur

    Yeah only the swim skill stat applies... rest of it does absolutely nothing.
  4. Savager Augur

    That swimming skill though...
    Evercluck, Bahdah and Esero like this.