Tribute macro

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Black Soul, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Black Soul Elder

    Is there any way to set up guild and personal tribute on a macro? Maybe with the timer so I can see it cooking and remember to turn it off while I'm not fighting?
  2. Yther Augur

    Don't think there's a command for it, but will check in a minute. EDIT: Couldn't find one, nor could I copy the Activate buttons to a hotbar. :(

    Added a timer to any ui window you want to customize. Personally, I use the Self window (Alt+Y). See

    For guild tribute change the name to something like <Label item="PlayerGuildTribTimeLabel"> and EQType to 121, like <EQType>121</EQType>

    Everything else should be the same, other than position, if you want both of them up at the same time (so they're not overlapping)

    If you do this with default ui, you need to copy the entire folder to a different directory, like default_mine in the same uifiles subdirectory of the base EQ directory.

    Yther Ore.
  3. Black Soul Elder

    Oh my...

    That is not the kind of thing I'm used to messing with but I'll give it a shot. I'll be sure to make a backup of my files first!

    Thanks much =)
  4. Yther Augur

    Copy it to a new directory, then do the editing in it. If you make changes to default, the patcher will replace them. You have load the new UI skin directory in game. And if you can handle this, there are alot of easy mods to make like this. If you can't you can search eqinterface for tribute timer and find lots of mods you can download and use like tribute timer on potion belt or target window, I just see from a good search quickly.

    Just look for something updated in the last year or sooner, depending on the window. The potionbelt may / should work no matter how long ago, as long it shows enough slots.

    EDIT: Here's a link to a eqinterface search ordered by descending date:

    Yther Ore.