Tribute Log-out

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by kammo, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. kammo Journeyman

    Was wondering i have trib log-out auto off checked in options and noticed that trophy (personal)does not turn off after logged out ,is that way supposed to be was hopin all get turned off if forget
  2. Gialana Augur

    I think I've also noticed that trophy tribute isn't turned off.
  3. guado Augur

    Make a hotkey:

    /tribute personal off
    /pause 20
    /trophy personal off

    The pause is optional, but helps when there is lag. I spam click it all the time just to confirm that my trophy really IS off. For me it's easier to hit a button sometimes then pulling up a window.
  4. kammo Journeyman

    Oh great yes will do that thnx alot