Transmogrification Scrolls (Race Change) - ETA?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zapsos, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. Glace Journeyman

    Poll for Transmog only shows up on my Lockjaw characters. Ragefire accounts do not have that poll. Kunark vote is on both servers. Characters 10+.
  2. beyrak Augur

    Why vote? Just put them in.

    DBG has to realize that the voting mentality of most EQ players is a negative one. They always think it's cool to vote down something, no matter the issue.
  3. Zapsos Augur

    Yeah I think that is it... None of my guildies had it either
  4. Rauven Augur

    I was wondering this myself.

    I don't plan on using one unless I get a bug up my rear and roll a beastlord when luclin comes out and then wish to change to a wood elf later. But at the same time I can't think of a decent reason to restrict these things from the market.

    We're All Access Members. We need something to spend our coin on other than exp pots.

    Its not like it can be abused, the exp 'bonus' that Halflings get for example. Its not bonus exp, its exp you don't have to get. So.. if it takes someone 1,000,000 to get to 50, halflings only take 950,000... so if you were to get 50 on a halfling, race change.. you'd be back to level 49 with 50,000 needed to get to 50. Numbers are of course different than that, but just using them for an example. You can't really exploit the potion at all.
  5. Tintaglia Elder

    On Ragefire, both polls were visible to me right away. On Lockjaw, the transmog potion poll was not, but did pop up on its own when I logged back in yesterday evening.
  6. Zapsos Augur

    So, what happened with this issue? I (and a lot of others) never saw this poll, and it supposedly ended yesterday...
  7. rekais910 Augur

    Hoping they redo the poll otherwise everyone should raise some hell for a fair vote.
  8. Zapsos Augur

    I hope they don't and that Give transmo scrolls NOW won, so that they can put them in on Wednesday... if race change was delayed until later, or god forbid denied all together I of couse want a re-vote :p
  9. gander Augur

    No need for a vote on this, just make them available.
  10. DudleyGrim New Member

    I say just toss them in now. Maybe put a hold on them the first week of kunark release so people who are into competition can get a chance to level An iksar can level one up legitimately.
  11. Zapsos Augur

    Dear Devs I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but is there any news on this?!

    The min-maxer inside me cries a little inside every time I login hating myself for a trivial mistake, and I will pay you good money to fix my mistake, but when I contact support they tell me they can't help because I have to buy a Transmo Scroll, but won't tell me when I can buy it...