transferring settings to a different computer

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Orienn, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. Orienn TreeHugger

    So finally 10+ years later I get a new computer lol, but I got a flash drive and got some files transferred over like my layout UI. The only ones I'm really missing that are painfull to not have are my spell load outs and all my social and abilities are not there on the hot bars, the hot bars are there just empty. I'm not computer savy at all so any help would be greatly appreciated. What files contain the spells load outs, and abilities social etc for me to add to the new computer.
  2. Zamiam Augur

    I usually copy all character named files.. for example UI_playername_cazic or playername_xegony .. the one with the playername_xegony from my folder is the one that shows the hotbuttons and socials . its in the EQ directory on your computer and that is where ever you installed it too usually in the c:/ and mine is in the c:/programdata/users/users<name>/public/sony online entertainment/installed games/everquest

    take/copy those files into your current EQ directory replacing the ones currently there or delete the ones currently there before you move your saved copies over..
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  3. Orienn TreeHugger

    thanks gonna try it
  4. Orienn TreeHugger

    ya that worked thanks alot
  5. Geroblue Augur

    I just copy and paste the entire Everquest folder. Run the launcher, and it fixes paths, missing files, etc.
    moogs likes this.